Classroom Videos Auto-Appear at Top of Page? (why?)
I just added a video (from YouTube, public video) to 1 of my Classroom modules for my course.
I made a folder then page first for this specific section/resource (pretty normal to do)...
Then I noticed that no matter where I link this embed for the video it ALWAYS appear at the top of the page- why?
This is quite annoying and should be fixed.
There are many instances and benefits to having the video content attached to the bottom of the page, or half way through a course module after a member reads and goes through other information.
If you don't understand or disagree, just go into your classroom now and copy-paste any YouTube video link as a video module, you'll see it auto-places this video content at the very top.
Please have this fixed, this format restriction is annoying and non coherent.
Raquaza Moss
Classroom Videos Auto-Appear at Top of Page? (why?)
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