19h ago (edited) in Strategy
Claiming Your Kingdom on SKOOL! πŸ”₯
β€œA KING knows his worth. A KING knows that he must serve.
But a TRUE KING knows that his greatest gift to his people is his PRESENCE.”
What does your presence say about you, BROTHER?
Do you walk into a room and COMMAND the respect of everyone without speaking a word?
Do your ACTIONS show that you are a man of INTEGRITY, a man who is deeply connected to his MISSION and his PEOPLE?
It’s not about shouting the loudest or being the most VISIBLE.
It’s about ENERGY.
MEN in this community, I’m calling you to RAISE YOUR FREQUENCY.
Not just in your career or fitness, but in how you show up ENERGETICALLY.
The KING is the LIGHTHOUSE in the the storm.
If you feel like the weight of your responsibilities is too heavy, remember this.
Your strength doesn’t come from fighting harder, it comes from OWNING YOUR ENERGY.
Step into your POWER. Serve from your HEART and SOUL. Your people are waiting.
@TAG a MAN you think would RESONATE πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡
#LeadLikeaLion #LiveLikeaKing
PS : THIS GIF is now the OFFICIAL GIF for the KINGS of SKOOL πŸ”₯
Kian Eder
Claiming Your Kingdom on SKOOL! πŸ”₯
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