Building a Community? Here’s What You Need to Know… 💡
I totally get the hype around Skool! I can see how it’s going to elevate my current community and give me the perfect platform to launch my course and mentoring business.
But here’s the thing I’ve noticed: a lot of people start their communities with great ideas or niches, and then… they don’t follow through. Why is that?
Is it because their community doesn’t grow as fast as they expected? Or maybe they aren’t monetizing as quickly as they see others on this platform doing? 🤔
I’m still figuring out what the biggest obstacle is to really succeed on Skool, but there’s one thing I do know: if you’re building something just to get quick results, it’s going to collapse even faster.
You have to think long-term. You have to build a strong foundation if you want to reap the rewards for years to come. 💪
We live in an age where everyone wants to enjoy the benefits without putting in the work to build something solid first. I’ve learned this the hard way, but now I get it. And honestly, I know that my biggest obstacle is myself—I’m still working on that every day.
So, what’s holding you back? What’s your biggest fear when it comes to building and scaling your community? Drop a comment below—I’d love to hear your thoughts. 👇
Juan Pablo Tellez Giron
Building a Community? Here’s What You Need to Know… 💡
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