Best way to scale a community (According to Hormozi)
Hormozi said it himself...
The best way to scale your Skool community with exponential growth is to use this method...
🥁Drumroll please🥁
✨ Build a brand organically, and then run paid ads. ✨
Hormozi describes this as the "Holy Grail".
Anyone can do this, all that it takes is consistency + effort.
"I don't have an audience" = Build one.
"I don't have the time to make content" = Find time, you're just lying to yourself.
"I don't know how" = Nobody does when they first start out, find out how.
These are all excuses that you tell yourself so that you don't feel bad about not taking action. Your brain is trying to sell you the fact that it is okay if you don't take action.
So start making those reels.
Start making that long-form content.
Take the risk and run those ads.
Not one successful person fully understood everything about what they were about to take on. Do you think Mark Zuckerberg knew everything Facebook would have and how to do it when he started? No, he didn't.
The point is, just go for it!
To Your Success
Tom Perry
Best way to scale a community (According to Hormozi)
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