99% of Skool Community Owners Face THIS Issue 💰
Let me paint a picture many of you can relate with...
When you’re starting out, it feels like there’s a mountain of tasks waiting for you:
  • Building your community
  • Creating your course
  • Setting up the classroom
  • Organizing the calendar
  • Writing email sequences
And the list keeps growing…
So, what do most people do?
They scramble to juggle it all at once.
And what happens?
They get overwhelmed.
And when you’re overwhelmed, you don’t just slow down - you freeze, overthink, and often…
You give up.
But here's the thing: it doesn’t have to be that way.
You want to know the secret to stop this spiral?
It’s simple: Focus on 1 step at a time.
Get laser-focused on the next most important step - the one that will actually push the needle forward.
When you do that:
  • You won’t feel overwhelmed.
  • You’ll have clarity on what to do next.
  • You’ll finish tasks faster.
  • And you’ll hit your goals even quicker.
So, the next time you feel the weight of everything, just remember this:
Keep your head down, focus on the step directly in front of you, and you won't trip over.
Or as I like to say "We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it." - Peter Griffin
Afonso Marcal
99% of Skool Community Owners Face THIS Issue 💰
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