5 Simple Skool Hacks To Convert More Members
After 10 months of owning a skool community, we've made over $30k, and in this post I want to share 5 simple hacks that we've used to convert WAY more people
If you don't use these tips, I guarantee you that you're missing out on thousands of dollars
Lets get straight into it:
After around 4 months of owning a free community, I had around 400 people inside my community, and I only booked a sales call with around 20% of them
What happend blew my mind
Then I started giving members a free 101 coaching call, and then make people book a sales call at the end of the 101 coaching call
I booked WAY more QUALIFIED sales calls, AND I gave so much value in the first call that selling to them after that call was WAAAAY easier as well
If you're doing high-ticket, I highly-recommend you start doing 101 calls before selling to them
Here's the thing: People have limiting beliefs which prevents them from booking a 101 call with you
and if they're not booking calls with you, they won't buy from you
So in order to make them book calls with us, we need to get rid of these limiting beliefs that they have
And in order to get rid of the limiting beliefs they have, we need to know what these limiting beliefs are first
Actionable step: Create a document, and write down all the limiting beliefs that people have about you/your vehicle/your program
Break those limiting beliefs using stories, showing new proof, etc
I was speaking with this guy who worked for a multi-millionaire
He made around 10k/mo with his own business, and he told me something that I never forgot
He told me that business is all about URGENCY
If there's no urgency, people won't do it now, and they will forget in the future
Add urgency to everything you do:
Why should people take action on your vehicle RIGHT NOW?
Why should they book a free 101 call RIGHT NOW?
Why should they join your community RIGHT NOW?
My conversion used to SUCK
I had hundreds of members, and I wasn't even making 1k/mo
After asking feedback to potential customers and trying to see things from my dream customers perspective, I realized something:
I wouldn't even buy my own service if I wouldn't see it from the inside
Because I wouldn't have trusted myself
So I started adding testimonials inside the classroom
I started talking about how I overcame things using stories
AND I started telling stories on what my clients did to make way more money
The next month my conversion rate skyrocketed
Back in the day I used to send automated messages with a CTA to watch my welcome course which was meant to funnel them to a 101 call with me
Only 5% responded, and nobody took action upon the CTA
I would literally go multiple WEEKS without sales calls
Then I started sending manual messages
People knew I wan't a bot because it was tailored to them
Right now we have a 90% response rate (see pics below)
What I learned is that people don't respond when they think your messages are automated
So you might as well stop sending automated messages
Those are the 5 key lessons I learned that helped me convert the members inside our free community
If you got any questions, please let me know!
Keep changing lives🚀
Luca van Straalen
5 Simple Skool Hacks To Convert More Members
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