4.2M views Reel, 1.6k Members & $3.3k MRR 💰
I gotta be honest, haven't focused a ton on creating content since I've been more focused on my community and managing rather than creating...
That's going to change in the next couple of days though...
BUT, that being said...
Want to share some BIG Wins!
One of the first reels I uploaded went Viral big time...
So far 4.2M views...
I've said this before, but @Miles Jones pushed me to try reels (I just wanted to do YouTube)... So thank you
Big views, but there was a problem though, it was more motivational rather than YouTube-focused which is my biz...
Nonetheless, I set up manychat and got many people to signup directly with the automation so it was pretty much on autopilot...
But, I didn't stop there...
I retargeted all of the people who engaged with the reel or my account and showed them ads to get them to signup to my free community...
Resulting in 550 additional signups at $0.40 per lead... (Pretty good if you ask me)
Now, I gotta say, before doing this, my conversion from free to paid was around 10%...
After doing this it dropped MASSIVELY and it is well below 1% now...
I don't care, the free community grew, became way more engaged, and started ranking higher, bringing in more organic leads directly from skool...
And although my conversion rate from free to paid, decreased I reached a new benchmark of $3k MRR...
Since a lot of this traffic, was not really "quality" traffic, my calendar started to get fully booked with onboarding calls and people not showing up or not even caring at all...
What I did to fight that was creating an automated filter form to only accept people that have watched a specific video of my free course (which is in the first couple of videos)...
This allowed me to reduce the number of bookings, but increase my conversion rate on the calls from 65% to 90% now... With a HIGHER price ($77 - previously $57)...
My next move will be: Increasing the number of bookings while trying to stay above 60% close rate, and if I manage to do so...
Then I'll increase my price again to $99...
Also, I'm working on a better VSL, since the current one is trash...
Once I do that, I'll start fueling my ad campaigns, since my CAC is around $63 with a Hypothetical LTGP of around $1,500 (This according to the churn rate ~5%)
Anyways, here are the screenshots...
Let's crush it fam!
Sebastián Nájera
4.2M views Reel, 1.6k Members & $3.3k MRR 💰
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