31.34% About Page Conversion Rate
This is for a free group. The traffic is all coming from organic content and they're kind "stumbling" over the group.
I'd post a pic of the about page but I don't want to be promoting my own group because that's not what this community is about.
The page has:
One Image.
Two sentences.
Here are the two sentences. Do with them what you will:
I'm too busy to promote my own products so I'm just giving stuff away to members of this community.
I hope you find it helpful :-)
The takeaway for me is that branding is a big deal.
People find the page as a result of organic content (branding).
The page converts in spite of minimal effort made in terms of actually *trying* to get them to convert.
The reason that works isn't *because* of the minimalism...
It's in SPITE of the minimalism.
(The branding pre-sells the value as a nature of the content itself.)
Hope this helps somebody.
Frank Kern
31.34% About Page Conversion Rate
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