10h ago in Strategy
1/1,000 things learned from Alex
so after speaking to him, the number one thing I learned was to keep everything simple.
One Channel -> Traffic
One Offer -> Direction
One Focus -> Results
Hormozi failed 2 times with the same business/industry.
I learned that it’s not the business model, it’s you.
Your thoughts, your direction, your offer.
Your offer should always present an outcome, in this outcome should be aligned with something you have mastered
In order to provide the best results for those interested in your offer, you have to pick one thing and stick with it for longer than you think.
and by sticking with one thing, they’ll start to learn so many different other things
The best example like you give is sports: Michael Jordan only basketball, but under basketball there’s 1 million things he had to master,
through practice to gain mental skills in which he taught to his teammates and taught to the world.
Could list 1 million things on Michael Jordan is besides basketball and this has become a-parent to me in business
Alex Mosley stuck with one thing, Gyms. And now is the top Businessman on and off social media.
Often times we look for a new thing, a new answer,
when we really need is right in front of us
simple scales
i don’t understand
9 votes
Hayden Bunn
1/1,000 things learned from Alex
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