7d ago in Strategy
1. believe 2. go back to #1 
I was sitting here thinking what’s the biggest mover in business
It keeps going back to the belief that I had myself, the beliefs I had that I could do it, the beliefs that I instilled to make my reality
you can’t manifest anything if you don’t believe in it
So what makes you think you’re gonna get what you want by not believing the only person that matters
Which is you.
Stop holding yourself back from thinking you can’t do it,
Stop telling yourself you can’t video or you can’t start that business
Just go out and take action and see everything that happens from that one thing.
I belief was that I hated writing, I hated reading, but now I’ve grown more knowledgeable and recognize that these two things are probably the biggest movers in business
If you can write a copy, if you can articulate what you’re going to say, if you can write a book that leaves your legacy…. Then you’re destined to be successful.
Knowledge is the most important thing in the world that causes success, what makes you too good to sit down read and gain knowledge.
Overcoming these two beliefs has only added to my successes and mindset, which is why I wanted to share with you today
Please, if you take anything from reading this, just believe in you,
And believe that you can.
Then go and take the actions that a line of those beliefs.
Hayden Bunn
1. believe 2. go back to #1 
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