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Time to ride off into the sunset
Hi folks, I love the idea of this community, and have some great people here, but I have to accept, once and for all, that i'm spreading myself too thinly across three communities. Watching the Hormozi Q&A just now also made me realise that I should also probably adopt the 'free and paid' duo model with my writing community. And starting a second writing group means that this one has to go. Argh! I will archive this group later in the week, which will mean all the posts can still be read, but no-one will be able to post, comment etc. Anyone who joined on the paid tier of the last few weeks will be refunded this week too. Thanks so much for joining! I'm only sorry I don't have three brains, three pairs of arms and three times as many hours in the day! 😫👊👊👊
New comment May 29
Time to ride off into the sunset
The Structure Of Skool (basic overview)
Skool groups consist of three main zones, accessible via tabs along the top. Funnily enough, they all begin with 'C' and are as follows: 📌 COMMUNITY, where you're reading this. The most important place, where we all hang out and chat. 📌 CLASSROOM. The place for any and all resources I have to offer you, including downloads and videos. This section will grow and develop over time. 📌 CALENDAR. The place where we can all see upcoming group events. 🕹🕹🕹 GAME ON! 🕹🕹🕹 Skool communities have a fun gamification element baked in. Whenever another member hits Like on one of your comments or posts, you earn one point - and the more you earn, the more you progress up through the levels. 🔥 Reaching Level 2 here at Community Starters allows you to unlock my handy Skool Community Starters checklist PDF, which will help you ensure you're ready to usher in new members. Don't worry, it doesn't take long to reach Level 2! The gaps between Levels get wider as you ascend through the ranks, but they start off pretty narrow. 👊 You might also want to have a read of my Medium article about Skool and the basics of communities here. Always feel free to ask any questions you have about these main features of Skool, whether you're responding to this post or starting a new question post of your own. And trust me, NO question is stupid. 👊
New comment May 21
The Structure Of Skool (basic overview)
WELCOME! Here's the place to start
Hi there, O builder of worlds. Thank you for joining us. Whether you have yet to start a community or are a seasoned Skool, I want this to be a place where everybody has fun and helps each other. Rather than being a community based around me preaching as some kind of Skool expert, in Community Starters we can all share information, discoveries, help and support, as we watch each other's communities grow and flourish - or talk each other into starting new ones! Here are a few things you could do next: 🔥 Introduce yourself with a comment below. Tell us: ... where in the world you are ... where you are on your Skool journey ... what you like to do for fun ... whatever else you'd like to share 🔥 Post a question for me and/or the group members to answer. - Perhaps you're still trying to figure out what your community topic should be - or maybe you already have a pretty shrewd idea and would like feedback? - Or perhaps you'd like to know how Skool works in terms of structure, features or something else? This place is all about being a helpful sounding board. - If you have a community, perhaps you'd like some friendly feedback on your About page from me and the other members? Ask away! - Hit the poll icon along the bottom of your post if incorporating multiple-choice votes would make for an extra-useful response. 🔥 Respond to one of the posts that already exist here, perhaps to share your own knowledge, or opinion, or support. 🔥 Check out this video course about Skool basics in our Classroom. 🔥 Or just sit back and absorb the posts and conversations as they happen! 🕹 Whenever another member hits Like on one of your comments or posts, you earn one point - and the more you earn, the more you progress up through the levels. 🎁 Reaching Level 2 here at Community Starters allows you to unlock my handy Skool Community Starters checklist PDF, which will help you ensure you're ready to usher in new members. (Don't worry, you only need five points to reach Level 2!)
New comment May 14
WELCOME! Here's the place to start
How To Skool video course added to Classroom!
Big thanks to @Marcin Hakemer-Fernandez for allowing his excellent videos, aimed at Skool beginners, to be used in the Classroom here at Community Starters. This high quality quartet of tutorials will equip you with a fundamental understanding of Skool. Be sure to watch them! 📢 Tell me your biggest takeaway from these videos and/or how they helped you most. 🔗 Also check out Marcin's own communities: Presentation Toolbox and Mastermind Mini
New comment May 8
How To Skool video course added to Classroom!
Brainwave from tonight's Skool Games launch
During the live Zoom launch of the April Skool Games tonight, Alex Hormozi casually mentioned that you could decide to make your community accessible only to people who start their Skool groups through your affiliate link. A penny dropped in my head. That's a pretty damn good idea, I thought. Genius, in fact! Offering exclusive access to a group as a bonus incentive for them to use your affiliate link. So that's what I'm going to experiment with. From today, newcomers can only gain access to this group if they start their free Skool trial via my referral link. IMPORTANT: this requirement only applies to new folk! If you already started your community before you came here, or just used a different link to get your trial, you're still absolutely fine here and incredibly welcome. Relax, have a cocktail and check out the canapes. 😄👊 (Equally, if you did join by using my link, then end your community for whatever reason, you're good to stay forever!) The essence of Community Starters itself will remain unchanged. It's still about community owners pooling knowledge and resources, helping each other out and discussing ideas. ❤ And here's an affiiate-style offer you might find appealing: I'm offering a 1-to-1 Zoom call to new members who signed up via my link, during which I'll help them set up their community and offer advice to help them strengthen it. ❤ If you personally bring a new member to Community Starters with your recommendation, and they sign up, I'll happily offer you a 1-to-1 Zoom too, so I can help you with anything in your group you need help with. Just tell your friend to tell me via DM that you sent them! As ever with this group, I'll keep you updated on how this new experiment works. Let's see! If you're also looking to attract affiliate income via Skool, what methods are you using? Comment below. :)
Brainwave from tonight's Skool Games launch
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Community Starters
☕️ In this exclusive and intimate clubhouse, we help new Skoolers get their bearings and hone their first community. 🍸
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