Nov 4 (edited) in Share with us!
Ways to receive value-add/paydays in most commercial & other assets classes
  1. Acquisition fee, 2, Rent increases, 3 Forced Appreciation, 4 Market Appreciation, Managment Fee if you and/or entity are managing the property, 5 net cash flow (% if partnership/syndication) 6 Cashout Refi (non-taxable),7 if and/or exit occurs receive share of back-end or defer capital gains tax through a 1031 exchange.8 Lower exepenses that make sense, 9 Where appropriate addition income streams added such as VIP Parking, Storage, other services such as physical training centers with trainers available. Targeting a solid B class in a A- or B neighborhood. Be sure Location is a lock, be equally sure market rents and market cap are in alignment with underwriting.
Barry Hart
Ways to receive value-add/paydays in most commercial & other assets classes
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