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Your Journey!
How did you embark on your Tech journey?? Personally a bootcamp graduate. I feel like the bootcamp I had went through didn't really teach me... rather just threw material in my face & 3 months later I was a "software dev" My biggest growth came from teaching myself programming by actually getting down and dirty, trying, failing over and over until one day.... things clicked. Once I had the big click, I was able to "freestyle" meaning I could code & develope any ideas I had in my head without follow a guide! Let the others know how you got started!
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New comment 1d ago
Learning a new way to improve for each loop performance. Currently we have a huge function that is calling 15 different tables and grabbing information based on a specific ID. Implementing “Parallel programming” will run all tasks at the same time instead of waiting for one to finish and then move on, hence the performance improvement.
New comment 2d ago
The Day Doesn't Always Start The Way You Want
I went to sleep early last night to wake up to go to class this morning and when I get there the teacher tells me there is no class. This means I woke up for nothing and could have stayed sleeping right? I should feel like a fool for wasting my time going there right? See the thing is it all depends on how you see it. A friend once told me perception is reality, if I perceive this as a bad thing and have negative thoughts about it then yes, it was a bad thing. On the other hand, I can go ahead and think that it's OK, I am spared from sitting through that class, I can come home earlier and start my other daily tasks right away. My point is, I can either be angry or I can be glad that I just don't have class that day and can use that time to do other useful things, which I see as a blessing. So when something happens in your life and you think negatively about it, think again and see if you can come up with a different perception, you may find that will help you inject some more positivity in your life!
New comment 2d ago
What income amount do you desire when jumping into your Tech career? Remember as income Increases so does your commitment to the job/position!
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 The Algorithm of Life
The Algorithm of Life is for individuals who feel alone in their journey to upgrade and advance their programming careers and personal life.
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