Your Journey!
How did you embark on your Tech journey??
Personally a bootcamp graduate. I feel like the bootcamp I had went through didn't really teach me... rather just threw material in my face & 3 months later I was a "software dev"
My biggest growth came from teaching myself programming by actually getting down and dirty, trying, failing over and over until one day.... things clicked.
Once I had the big click, I was able to "freestyle" meaning I could code & develope any ideas I had in my head without follow a guide!
Let the others know how you got started!
Bootcamp Gradudate 🎓
I want to start Learning!⏳️
3 votes
Monty Handal
Your Journey!
 The Algorithm of Life
The Algorithm of Life is for individuals who feel alone in their journey to upgrade and advance their programming careers and personal life.
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