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New Video On The Clinic Appointment Process
Okay...leads are responding to your ad! Exciting! When do you call them? (You let the AI Book them right?) Now what? How do you handle this in the system? In the Classroom Section there is a new video from Steven Stahl explaining about how the hand off process works between the GC360 system and your office. It's in the Steven Shows You course. Or....if you're impatient. Here's the link.
New comment Aug 13
Who uses laser here? What kind do you have and what's the approximate cost?
New comment Aug 9
Hey Docs. Do Patients Ever Book and NOT SHOW?
This is a common problem. Almost every clinic that we work with has faced this at one time or another. Today we have uploaded 4 NEW training videos on this topic. NOTE: this group tells us who has watched the videos. The people who are KILLING it and getting results have watched the videos. The people who are struggling have not watched the videos. If only there was some way to help those docs... 🤔
New comment Aug 9
Hey Docs. Do Patients Ever Book and NOT SHOW?
Just wanted to say Hi to Everyone and welcome. I encourage you to be active in this group and share wins, challenges, ask questions etc. The more we stay together and help one another the more success we will all have. Look forward to hearing from all of you.
New comment Aug 2
Thank You
Thank you for allowing my membership! Hope everyone is well and thriving!
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Clinic Growth 360
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