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Who is in??? LinkedIn support group
Want HUGE engagement on LinkedIn? Follow these steps Step 1. Post your LinkedIn profile link in the comments here 👇 Step 2. Click on each participants link. "Like" their post" Step 3. Post a thoughtful "comment" under their post. That's it. Let's go!
New comment May 29
Who is in??? LinkedIn support group
1. Incorporate relevant keywords LinkedIn™, like Google, functions as a search engine. It prioritizes profiles with complete information and relevant keywords. By integrating industry-specific keywords into your headline, you increase your chances of appearing in LinkedIn™search results, thereby attracting the right audience. So just like SEO keywords are important for getting traffic to websites and just like hashtags help people discover accounts on Instagram, utilizing keywords in your LinkedIn profile will help potential customers discover you. For example, adding keywords that are related to your niche expertise can greatly increase the chances of your profile appearing at the top of the search results. You can use keywords like “finance coaching,” “tax savings,” “cash flow,” and so on. Now, keep in mind: Having a profile that makes sense and is easy to read is way more important than cramming in every single keyword you can possibly think of. So consciously make an effort to include only those keywords that are super powerful and targeted, and don't go overboard with it. 2. Add emojis and symbols Emojis and symbols serve a dual purpose — they offer a break from long and endless text which improves readability, and they also create visual interest. 3. Showcase a shining credential A professional achievement in your area of work can instantly elevate your brand and positioning in the eyes of your target audience. Examples: “Award winning Advisor” “Bestselling Author” “Top 10 Podcast Host” 4. Inject a dash of personality Include an attribute that is unrelated to work, significant to your identity, and relevant to your buyer persona. This attribute could be described as a passion or a lifestyle choice that showcases your work ethic or personality. Examples: “marathon runner” “avid gardener” “minimalist” “outdoors enthusiast” Or if your buyer persona values humor, you could spice this up with something cheeky or clever, such as: “5-star mac & cheese chef” or “professional friend of dogs”.
New comment May 24
How to eliviate a potential large CRA tax bill down the road.
Over the weekend I visited with a friend that has a small family business, and I was surprised to hear the concerns they had over Capital Gains Tax Increase from 50% to 67% in the 2024 federal budget. Talking with them further, I realized the potentially negative consequences with their business. Because of their unease, I took the time to re-examine a more Innovative Financial Process for Long-Term Planning, since they express doubt in the potential ability to save for retirement. In the past, these strategies were looked over, but I believe now, they are becoming crucial to achieving a holistic retirement and estate planning. These insurance products can serve as investment protection but MORE IMPORTANTLY offer flexible planning options for retirement and estate management. The way it works is to leverage life insurance products as part of a comprehensive financial strategy to create a tax-efficient growth of investment assets and provide a secure retirement income. These insurance policies grow on a tax-preferred basis, with the ability to use the policy as collateral for tax-free loans during retirement, ensuring a steady income stream, and/or leave a TAX-FREE estate to wanted beneficiaries. This may sound complicated, but once put in place, it is easier than having to contribute and invest in your RRSP and TFSA account. Don’t take me wrong you need both strategies, but you need to make sure you have the right product with the right amount to succeed. Given the potential negative impacts of this tax increase on small business owners, A RE-EVALUATION of corporate and individual FINANCIAL PLANS, need to be examined and adapted as necessary. IF YOU DON'T HAVE A PLAN, YOU NEED A PLAN. We invite you to call or email us with QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS. We are dedicated to finding solutions that are best for each corporation and individual alike., phone number 825-551-0440.
New comment May 23
Guide to Your Perfect LinkedIn Profile
Your LinkedIn Profile opens doors to acquiring your ideal client Here is a guide that will help craft your perfect profile on LinkedIn
New comment May 7
Guide to Your Perfect LinkedIn Profile
Consultation from LinkedIn
I just had a consultation that resulted from me reaching out to one of my followers on LinkedIn. It’s so much easier to have a consultation with someone already attracted to me. Don’t give up. I thought she initially ghosted me but I found a spam message she sent that I didn’t read until a month later and kept following up with her until at rescheduled for today. It seems likely she will become a client soon and she is someone in my niche. 😊
New comment Apr 26
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