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What questions to ask to understand clients need in better way and how you decide what product to give him and why? When to involve your cpa to show him the benefit or you talk to cpa and show him the plan and explain? Do you prefer his cpa or your cpa? What else you can do to become more big ticket guy? What else?
March 20th 2024
Key Takeaways - Using video messages (video sales letter) through email to provide value and build relationships is more effective than automated outreach - Focus on making accountants' lives easier, not just their clients' lives, to get referrals. EVERYONE is all about WIIFM (what's in it for me) - Connect your advice to clients' emotional goals and aspirations Topics: LinkedIn Outreach - Automated tools like CoPilot can help generate leads quickly but may feel impersonal or sales-focused - Providing free value like webinars and helpful videos builds trust and gets prospects to open up over time - Take time to niche down and create tailored messaging before spending on automation tools Getting Accountant Referrals - Don't just focus on helping accountants' clients - make the accountants' jobs easier - Create a one-page tax summary for your clients as an example of value you provide - Get introductions from mutual clients to start relationships with accountants Communicating Advice - Avoid industry jargon - explain concepts simplify and relate to clients' goals - Ask questions to understand clients' aspirations and motivations - Connect your advice to emotional goals like travel plans or family time Next Steps: - Offering step-by-step guide for getting accountant referrals. Refer 3 new members to Client Acquisition Academy - Continue weekly community calls - Encourage members to invite others and grow advisor network
New comment Mar 21
March 20th 2024
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