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Study Group (630PM EST, Tues) is happening in 34 hours
Provisionally passed at 100
Hi guys, I have provisionally passed the CISSP test today at 100 questions. I will share more details in our next session. Unable to type.. my hands are shaking out of excitement....
New comment 6h ago
Provisionally passed at 100
Passed@105, Many thanks to all for the motivation and encouragement
I have 22 years of experience in the IT industry, more on Projects and account mgt. My preparation was based on the recommendation from the community, here is the summary Reading / Books Study Groups: To keep you motivated and collective endeavor 1. Some wonderful free stuff to cover simple to medium learning,, Some excellent leaders Ron, Chris, and their team of experts! 2. Decent endeavor is good for beginners: I would plan my reading early in the morning, as it takes the most focus to grasp the reading: 1. OSG: Official study guide needs 50 Hours to complete 2. Destination CISSP is a concise guide. 3. Summary of OSG: very useful for light reading / refreshing knowledge, training (post reading books) 1. DestinationCert along with Mindmap notes excellent for practice. 2. Udemy Thor's lectures are good. 3. Cybrary has free training. 4. Cram Videos on the latest updates Cheets sheets 1. from comparitech: 2. Destination CISSP downloadable content Test Practice: 1. Official Practice test 1000 and OSG -1000 2, Some Twitter and other forums 3. Destination CISSP mobile App, also provides free tests up to 1000, So should be enough.
New comment 22d ago
Do we really know how we speak in a group setting and where we lack.
I noticed yesterday that my belief that I am a good speaker or good with meetings was more or less shattered when I observed myself impartially speaking in a meeting. Particularly in a setting where you are not speaking in your own knowledge area and sitting with subject matter experts. Point is that CISSP may give you a certification but your effectiveness is really important when explaining to others in a meeting. We should have the vocabulary on our tongues to be really more valued. What are your thoughts and suggestions. Any course that could really help me be better.
New comment 23d ago
In the course of recording a recent podcast, the film Zombieland came up, in particular The Rules the movie uses for comedic effect on how to effectively combat the undead enemies. CISSP is almost exactly like a zombie from the movie: overwhelming, seemingly impenetrable, and relentless. The Zombieland Rules can guide you with CISSP also, though. It's not an impossible exam. It has weaknesses. Armor yourself with The CISSP Rules. #1: Cardio - Exercise of course always helps, but also the bigger theme: prepare. Learn the fundamentals of security. This is not an entry-level exam. #2: Double Tap - Use the Peace of Mind protection when you schedule (if available) to get a second attempt for a discount. Then your first try is just a really, really realistic practice exam (that you may pass!) and you can relax a bit. #3: Beware of Bathrooms - Use breaks during the test judiciously. A break can reset your mind, but also can eat available time. #4: Seatbelts - Strap on all the knowledge available, and there's a ton of resources, both free and paid. Vary your sources for study materials. It's a lot to digest, and different resources highlight different topics in different ways. #5: No Attachments - You will take the exam with nothing other than your brain. No phones, no car keys, no personal items. #14: Always Carry a Change of Underwear - Don't soil yourself during the exam. #16: Opportunity Knocks - If you see easy question, take the win! #17: Don't be a Hero - If you see hard questions that you cannot possibly answer, don't waste time. Answer and move on. You do not need a perfect score, just a passing score. #17: Be a Hero - Budget your time in all aspects: Study time leading up to the exam, as well as available time during the exam. #18: Limber Up - Practice questions are your friend. Remember that explanations are 50% of the value of practice questions. #19: Break It Up - How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Don't overdo it, just keep pace.
New comment 23d ago
Exam Test Taking Tips
**** THE HIGH-LEVEL TWO CONCEPTS **** A. Think like a Manager and Respond like an Advisor - CISSP don't do the work - that's an engineer. We are NOT looking for the right technical answer, we must find the right manager answer. Think broadly, the high-level and the bigger picture. B. Read like a Lawyer - e.g. read *every* single word. Take your time and identify any keywords like MOST, LEAST, BEST, WORST, NOT. If the question is long, read the final sentence FIRST (likely gets right to the point), then the answers and finally, go back and read the entire question. **** HOW DO YOU ANSWER QUESTIONS ("When Looking At The Answers, Keep These In Mind") **** 1. Identify one answer that effectively means "all of the above" - if there is one "umbrella" answer that includes the other three, maybe choose that. 2. What kind of question is this? - if you can determine the question is asking about either Confidentiality / Integrity / Availability... then find the answer that matches it and toss out the answers that don't. 3. Which one of these is not like the other? - look at all the answers and see what they relate to and then identify the answer that doesn't match the others. Particularly can be helpful when you encounter a question you have NO CLUE about! 4. If you could only pick one answer, which would that be? - if you could only do just one choice/answer, which would that be? 5. Avoid the Absolutes - look for the answers with the word "ALL" ... it's probably not that answer. 6. People, then Process then Technology - there's a decent possibility that "people" answers would be the right one before "process" answers, with "technology" answers last. 7. It's All About the Business - they are a critical focus! Watch out for golden words too. 8. Human safety always is the top priority! - enough said, right?
Exam Test Taking Tips
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