Welcome to Child Actor 101 on Skool!
Hello, Everybody!
I couldn't be happier that you are here as my mission and vision for Child Actor 101 continues to grow, evolve and expand.
I founded Child Actor 101 in 2017 on Facebook with a clear objective - to create a protected space for parents of child actors, shielding them from the countless scams like "talent showcases" that prey on vulnerable families. These showcases promise overnight success and representation, but often provide little value while charging exorbitant fees.
My purpose in bringing industry professionals like myself on board was to provide trusted, no-nonsense information to help aspiring actors achieve greatness. As we've crossed the 9,000 member mark, it became clear we needed an additional community space - one that's structured, streamlined, organized and engaging. A place to easily find answers without social algorithms burying valuable posts amidst chaos.
Make no mistake, our Facebook group remains an extremely vital tool with incredible reach and familiarity. But now we have a companion knowledge-oriented platform with incentives for active participation. This new wing of the Child Actor 101 machine celebrates engagement over chaos.
I have zero doubts you'll love this platform and treasure the community for its continual gifts of knowledge, opportunity and genuine supportive camaraderie.
Spread the word - tell friends to join us here, on Facebook, or on the web.
I truly believe there is room for everyone to succeed in this business!
Corey Ralston
Welcome to Child Actor 101 on Skool!
Child Actor 101
A free resource community for parents of child actors pursuing a professional career in television & film led by a Hollywood Youth Talent Manager.
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