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Prayer requests
How cool is it that we can pray for each other anytime anywhere? We are like superheroes :) with the superpower of the Holy Spirit. Pretty neat. Personal prayer request: Peace and discernment, especially regarding how we care for our kids. How can we pray for you?
Desires from group
What are you hoping to get from this group? Feel free to add more ideas in the comments.
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Testimony Time!
Storytime: I sometimes get a sense that Jesus is communicating to me when I notice themes in my life. Lately, the theme has been "Peace." Jesus is offering me peace through his presence. And of course I want that! I have struggled at times to enter into that peace when I let other priorities and thoughts replace Christ's peace with frustrations with my rebel 2 yr old, anxiety about work deadlines, etc. We have a healing ministry through our church, with Adoration and Confession and Prayer. And every time I go, (thanks to my sweet husband watching the kids), I am amazed at the power and love of our Lord. I leave with such peace and hope. And I am finding I can enter into His peace more on a daily basis and throughout the little moments. Thanks Jesus :) What about you? How have you experienced the Lord lately?
Welcome! Hola! Cześć!
Hey yall! Can I introduce myself? I am a Catholic woman with a passion for storytelling. I have a Master's degree in Ministry, and I love walking alongside other ladies as we grow in holiness. I love how Revelation says we will overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony! I want to create a safe space for sharing stories, seeking wise counsel, and uplifting one another as we seek the Lord. Welcome!! You're turn! What brings you here? Who are you? :)
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Catholic Women Share
Greetings! Are you a Catholic woman seeking support from a loving community that you can access anytime anywhere? Welcome!
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