Testimony Time!
Storytime: I sometimes get a sense that Jesus is communicating to me when I notice themes in my life. Lately, the theme has been "Peace." Jesus is offering me peace through his presence. And of course I want that! I have struggled at times to enter into that peace when I let other priorities and thoughts replace Christ's peace with frustrations with my rebel 2 yr old, anxiety about work deadlines, etc. We have a healing ministry through our church, with Adoration and Confession and Prayer. And every time I go, (thanks to my sweet husband watching the kids), I am amazed at the power and love of our Lord. I leave with such peace and hope. And I am finding I can enter into His peace more on a daily basis and throughout the little moments. Thanks Jesus :)
What about you? How have you experienced the Lord lately?
Jonnah Popek
Testimony Time!
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