👋 Name/Capoeira name:
My name is Nouran, but you can call me Nour for short. I'm still searching for a Capoeira name, haha!
🌎 Location:
I am from the amazing country of Egypt, home of the pyramids!
🎯 Capoeira Goals:
My Capoeira goals are pretty broad because I have so many! Since Capoeira isn’t popular in Egypt or most Arabic countries, I want to expand awareness of this art, spread the word, and show people how life-changing it can be. I also aspire to be one of the first Egyptian hijabi girls practicing this art! I want to travel and experience Capoeira in different countries, learning about various styles and cultures while making friends all over the world. As for my training goals, I’d love to master a 2-3 minute sequence, learn macaco, and improve my handstand. Oh, and I almost forgot—I want to find a way to merge my studies in AI with Capoeira! I’m still figuring out how, but if anyone has any ideas, let me know, haha!
💬 Experience Level:
I’m a beginner, with less than a year of experience.
🎶 Favorite Capoeira Music or Movement:
"Quem Vem Lá Sou Eu" is my favorite song for now, and my favorite movement is macaco—I hope to do it asap, haha!
🤝 What Do You Hope to Gain from this Community?
I’m looking to connect with all the passionate Capoeiristas here and learn from Coach Fabio’s drills and techniques and make many friends!😁
Nouran Mahmoud Omar
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