Jan 17 (edited) in General
[Start Here 🔥] Welcome To The Business Automation Academy
Hi! 👋 Welcome to the Business Automation Academy - where you'll learn all about Systems, Automations and AI.
This community is brought to you by Teched Out Pros, where we help coaches, consultants and service-based professionals (roofers, contractors, adjusters and appraisers) generate more revenue in less time working fewer hours. If you're interested in working with a growth partner who does all the marketing for you, then be sure to visit Teched Out Pros and schedule a call.
Everything shared here is to show how to structure and largely automate your business in a way that doesn't require you to work more hours or hire more people.
To build a sustainable business like this, you need 3 things:
👉 1. Optimized Systems: strong systems and processes in your business provide a strong foundation and allow you to streamline your marketing, sales and operations
👉 2. Active Automations: active automations can do the heavy lifting for you, especially for repetitive tasks to do the heavy lifting for you (it's like having a team of 10 people working 24/7 in the background... without the hassle of having to manage them 🤣)
👉 3. Advanced AI Assistants: Advanced AI Assistants combined with Active Automations is like have a team of 10 of your best employees working 24/7... all without needing breaks, getting sick, or you having to manage 🤣
Optimized Systems + Active Automations + Advanced AI Assistants = life and business of your dreams 😎
This is a safe space and you'll get out of it what you put into it. (If you abuse this group or spam people, you will receive a lifetime ban.)
To kick things off, please comment below introducing yourself (✄ copy/paste template 👇). Let us know…
#1 - Who are you, where are you from and who do you work with?
#2 - What do you want to get out of being in this academy?
#3 - What area of your business would you like to automate first?
#4 - What do you like to do for fun outside of work?
#5 - Drop a photo of your office space or where you like to work from.
I'll go first...
#1 - My name is Michael Kittinger, I am a former financial advisor (specializing in corporate retirement plans) turned entrepreneur and coach in 2016. I have 4 kiddos (just took the oldest off to West Point 😢) and am focused on helping entrepreneurs in the coaching, consulting and service professional space (especially other Parentpreneurs) build the business and life they've always desired.
#2 - I want to meet other amazing entrepreneurs.
#3 - My first priority is to automate lead gen and sales conversions - both of which I accomplish through Advanced AI Assistants and Active Automations.
#4 - For fun I enjoy working (seriously!) and playing soccer (although I haven't played much since rupturing my Achilles last August)
#5 - I love my office. For the first few years as an entrepreneur I worked out of the house. Summers especially were tough when the kids were all home and needing things. So I got an office and haven't looked back. (if you don't have a dedicated work area, I highly highly highly recommend it).
Best practices in this community:
• NO Cold DM's. Do not DM anyone pitching your services. You will be banned.
• Try to level up quickly by commenting and posting your insights in the community.
• Hit 'Like' 👍 on every helpful post or comment you see to help others level up.
• When you write a post, break up your paragraphs into single sentences like I am doing now - this way more people will read what you write, and actually reply.
• Make sure your profile picture is a photo of you.
• Be cool.
• If you ever get stuck, feel overwhelmed, or are not sure what 'next step' to take, just ask the community.
Group Rules:
1) No Self Promotion (This will get you blocked, deleted and banned)
2) No Selling in the DM's (This will get you blocked, deleted and banned)
3) No Spamming the Community Feed (This will get you blocked, deleted and banned)
Complete action
I have no automations in my business.
My lead generation is automated but that's about it.
My fulfillment is automated but that's about it.
My entire business is automated.
15 votes
Michael Kittinger
[Start Here 🔥] Welcome To The Business Automation Academy
Business Automation Academy
Discover how to leverage Automation and AI in your business… so you can make more money working fewer hours.
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