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The Dockworkers Have It ALL WRONG 😡 | Why Embracing Automation Now is the Key to Future-Proofing Your Business
Interesting read. Curious what ya'll think.
New comment 1d ago
The Dockworkers Have It ALL WRONG 😡 | Why Embracing Automation Now is the Key to Future-Proofing Your Business
Why “Plain” Offers Are Killing Your Sales (And How to Fix Them)
Most businesses make a critical mistake when it comes to crafting their offers: they create bland, forgettable ones that fail to capture attention. You’ve seen them—ads that simply say “Here we are!” with a phone number or website tacked on, offering nothing that drives anyone to take action. That’s not an offer—it’s just filler. To get your customers to move, your offer has to be irresistible. Here’s the harsh reality: if your offer doesn’t stop people in their tracks, it doesn’t matter how good your product or service is—they won’t care. One of the biggest reasons businesses fail at direct response marketing is this very issue. They invest heavily in ads, but when prospects arrive? They’re met with a lackluster offer that drains any excitement. All that effort and budget? Down the drain. So, what exactly makes an offer irresistible? Let’s break it down: 1. Relevance. Your offer needs to speak directly to your audience's needs. This is known as message-to-market match. If you’re putting out offers that don’t address your target market’s pain points, you’re wasting your marketing dollars. 2. Value. Even if it’s a free offer, it must provide real, tangible value. What can your customers get from you that they can’t get anywhere else? Add bonuses, exclusive perks, or bundled deals to make your offer too good to pass up. 3. Urgency. People need a reason to act now. This could be a limited-time deal or an offer tied to a specific event or season. Timing is everything. Rick Warren highlighted this in The Purpose Driven Church, showing how understanding your audience’s timing can drive results. Know your customers’ key moments and shape your offer around them. 4. Scarcity or Exclusivity. No one wants to miss out. Look at how networks like QVC masterfully use limited quantities and countdowns to push viewers to act quickly. If your offer feels exclusive or limited, customers will feel the pressure to move fast. 5. Simplicity. How easy is it for someone to take the next step? If you want to filter out those who aren’t serious, raise the bar. But if you want to attract as many leads as possible, lower the threshold to make saying "yes" easy.
New comment 4d ago
Why “Plain” Offers Are Killing Your Sales (And How to Fix Them)
Your Prompt Matters More Than Your Model 🤯
Your Prompt Matters More Than Your Model It’s one of the biggest secrets in the AI world right now... and it’s simpler than you might think: 🔑 Your prompt matters more than your model. You’ve probably heard a lot about AI models lately—how powerful they are, how they can revolutionize your business, save time, and boost productivity. But here’s the truth most people are missing: even the most advanced AI model is only as good as the instructions you give it. Let me share a quick story with you... A few months ago, one of our roofing clients came to us frustrated. He had been playing around with AI for a while, but he wasn't getting the results he needed. “I’ve got the tools, but it’s not delivering,” he said. The problem wasn’t the AI model he was using—it was the way he was talking to it. We dug into his process and quickly realized that his prompts were too vague. He’d type in things like, “Give me a roofing estimate,” or “How do I get more leads?” Now, these are valid questions, but AI needs more guidance to deliver value-packed answers. I told him, “It’s not about the model—it’s about how you’re prompting it. You have to train the AI to give you the results you’re after.” So we worked together to refine his prompts, teaching the AI to think more like a top-level marketing strategist, rather than a generic search engine. Instead of “How do I get more leads?” we switched it to: "Generate a lead generation strategy that targets homeowners who have storm-damaged roofs in [City Name]. Make sure the strategy includes Facebook ad copy, a follow-up email sequence, and an upsell for premium roof inspections." Boom! The difference in the response was night and day. Suddenly, the AI was churning out high-converting copy and step-by-step strategies tailored specifically to his roofing business. The best part? He went from spending hours tweaking content to getting it in minutes. Here’s why this works so well: When you give the AI a highly specific and clear prompt, you’re basically telling it what you expect, the direction to go in, and the outcome you want. It can dig deeper, get more creative, and deliver results that feel like they came from a marketing pro—not a robot.
New comment 11d ago
[Start Here 🔥] Welcome To The Business Automation Academy
Hi! 👋 Welcome to the Business Automation Academy - where you'll learn all about Systems, Automations and AI. This community is brought to you by Teched Out Pros, where we help coaches, consultants and service-based professionals (roofers, contractors, adjusters and appraisers) generate more revenue in less time working fewer hours. If you're interested in working with a growth partner who does all the marketing for you, then be sure to visit Teched Out Pros and schedule a call. READ THIS ENTIRE POST. Everything shared here is to show how to structure and largely automate your business in a way that doesn't require you to work more hours or hire more people. To build a sustainable business like this, you need 3 things: 👉 1. Optimized Systems: strong systems and processes in your business provide a strong foundation and allow you to streamline your marketing, sales and operations 👉 2. Active Automations: active automations can do the heavy lifting for you, especially for repetitive tasks to do the heavy lifting for you (it's like having a team of 10 people working 24/7 in the background... without the hassle of having to manage them 🤣) 👉 3. Advanced AI Assistants: Advanced AI Assistants combined with Active Automations is like have a team of 10 of your best employees working 24/7... all without needing breaks, getting sick, or you having to manage 🤣 Optimized Systems + Active Automations + Advanced AI Assistants = life and business of your dreams 😎 This is a safe space and you'll get out of it what you put into it. (If you abuse this group or spam people, you will receive a lifetime ban.) Discover how to unlock everything here. To kick things off, please comment below introducing yourself (✄ copy/paste template 👇). Let us know… #1 - Who are you, where are you from and who do you work with? #2 - What do you want to get out of being in this academy?
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New comment 21d ago
So What Happens When...
So what happens when we no longer have to work, or think, or do anything? Newer OpenAI 4.o version coming out next month - faster, more tokens, cheaper, etc. New reasoning models coming out - can't wait to get our newer V2 AI Assistants on these I mean seriously - how awesome is this time we're living in?!?!?!
New comment 22d ago
So What Happens When...
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