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Commercial real estate books coming on 23rd Sep
Very exciting my books are now in my hands for proof reading. They will be published on Amazon on the 23rd Sep (Next week)! Love to have you pick up a copy and give me a review!
Commercial real estate books coming on 23rd Sep
Just talk about it!
This-evening my family had supper at the local pizza diner and we struck up a conversation with the couple sitting nearby. Empty nesters, thinking about near retirement, considering getting into real estate “have like a couple airb&b’s close by” 💣Boom there it is :-) I want to get to know the folks on multiple levels, She works at the local post office (guys I live rural- we are talking maybe 10k people wthin 1 hour of my place) that connection when looking for a bird dog is 💎) He does custom metal work and has construction backstory 😎 and they are potential Buyers…. And Finders 🤯 knock me over with a feather that blew my mind… they might see the opportunities and not know it yet… they might be ready to buy now and just ill-informed on how to do it in this market🧐 they don’t have experience negotiating the in-between so everyone gains from the transaction…. And I met them by having a conversation… I didn’t go out of my way about it… it just happened. “Tell the world what you need … tell it what you want…. Then go about doing what is necessary to obtain it. It will happen sooner then you expect”
Just talk about it!
Hi all I know we can all learn how to brand ourselves in this business to get our message out and help as many people as possible. I recently restarted my YT channel in an attempt to do this. The main focus of this channel is multifamily investing. I would certainly value your input comments and suggestions. I have attached my latest video below. Feel free to like, subscribe comment and do the bell.
New comment 26d ago
Authenticity and Ethics
It is a “natural normal human reaction” to incorporate techniques and styles, scripts and habits into our social etiquette which we aquire from the influencers and leaders we look up to and follow. This is important! This is how we gain good habits and learn good marketing skills… It is also how we break barriers personally many times. One of the things I look to do in this practice is find ways to make “it” my own, I don’t want to wear someone else’s brand so much my own becomes lost… I also don’t want to put on a façade. It’s not about becoming another person… It’s becoming the better version of yourself! “Your income will never out pace, your self improvement.” Talking to people who own who they are and have values that strengthen long term relationships inspires me in My Journey and in how I followup. Several of the first Investors I meet were kinda shady and didn’t represent projects/deals accurately, they also used a lack of communication as leverage to stretch their Sellers/Buyers and Contractors, I learned a-lot from them about proper contracts and communications :-) I will not be doing more business with them though… I want people who have my back and I have theirs, friends as well as associates.
New comment 28d ago
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