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Has anyone done Email marketing Campaigns?
For my Aurora business, I've been trying to get started on Email marketing. I have a list of about 141 Subscribers after running an Ad however, I haven't done anything related to email well....EVER. Anyone done it before? Got any tips for a newbie?
New comment 18d ago
Has anyone done Email marketing Campaigns?
This weeks schedule
What do you guys have on your business agenda this week? I have several pallet deliveries and pick ups this week.
New comment 18d ago
Hello Blerds fam
Iโ€™m excited to be in the group. My company is Weโ€™re a pallet manufacturer. Looking forward to meeting you guys and networking.
New comment 21d ago
Hello Blerds fam
Day 2/28 Yes Or No?
See? I'm already effin up! ๐Ÿคฃ BUT ya learn stuff even so! What it took me over a week now to really see, is that I say 'Yes' too easily. This is both good and bad. Allow me to go further into detail, and let me know your thoughts on this! Good: You see, I remember hearing Grant Cardone explain what is basically called the "no problem" mentality. To summarize it up, you ever had that one individual working for you, or that one person who you ask a favor. And no matter how ludacris it may seem, the answer always goes like this. "No problem." "For you, we'll make it happen." "I got this." Isn't that the person who has the confidence that you WANT to have on your team? The answer alone oozes confidence that you know they have it all under control, and THAT is the trait I want to be known as. The 'No Problem" guy. Bad: This can also lead to a major lack of focus. Saying yes to everything basically can open the door to more distractions. The more things you say no to, permits you to double down on what it is that you are good at. It's what separated a focused person from distractions. My main issue is that after you finish school, a majority of your life still hasn't officially started yet. It's not till you find "that calling" that you understand what must be done. Some people hear this call super early, while others plain old drown it out. At the end of the day, it's not a race to the finish. But a journey to the desired destination. While I do know where my destination is, I've struggled with staying focused on what I need to reach that destination. But one thing is for sure, all of my roads will lead down the same direction. Little bit of vulnerability in this post, but that's essentially what I sell the best! Because if I can acknowledge my own weakness, they can't be utilized against me! We call this the B Rabbit effect!(Eminem's 8 mile movie reference)
New comment 21d ago
Day 2/28 Yes Or No?
What up
Hey all, Iโ€™m a real estate investor and agent. Focused on early retirement and financial independence. Iโ€™m looking forward to connecting with people in this community!
New comment 23d ago
What up
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