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It's Getting Hot In Here...
Back in the 1990's I had the house all to myself as my parents were on vacation. I decided to have a little social gathering. I invited a group of three very attractive girls over and I had two of my guy friends over as well so it was an even match. Let me say that the movies back in the day were a little stupid. I had just watched a movie where the guys in the movie had invited some girls over and they turned up the heat. The girls complained that it was hot and the guys turned it up even more. The girls then began taking off their clothes. Now I know it sounds dumb to you and thinking about it now, it seems stupid but at the time, it seemed like it was worth it to try it out. Plus I explained the plan to the guys and they were curious as well to how it would turn out. So here's what happened. The girls showed up. They were gorgeous. We talked, danced a little, were having a decent time and then one of them remarked that it was a bit hot. I told her I would go turn it down. Instead I turned it up just like they did in the movies. The girls were starting to visibly sweat and their makup was starting to loosen up a bit. At that point they all just said, "It's too hot, we're just going to go" I said "No, I can fix it!" But they all just got up and left. My friends said "Good Job Genius!" and we just sat and played video games the rest of the evening. I still think it was worth a try. What do you think?
What Not To Do At The Movies
There was a nice gal that I had a crush on for about 6 months and I finally asked her out to the movies. She agreed to go. I was really excited because she was gorgeous and pretty cool and I thought she would possibly make a good girlfriend. We arrived at the theatre, got some snacks and got to our seats. The movie hadn't started yet so we were having some light conversation, everything was going smoothly. The movie started and we would whisper stupid stuff about the movie, back and forth all in good fun. So it was good so far. About 10 minutes into the movie, she took a handful of buttered popcorn and rubbed it on the top of my head. And she started laughing. That was really a bad move because I got really mad really fast so I just reacted without thinking. I had a small sprite in my drink cup and I poured it on her head. She screamed a very loud and attention getting scream and cussed me out. I have to admit with her hair wet from the Sprite and her anger, she looked pretty hot. She got up and went to the bathroom. I got up, followed and stood outside the bathroom door. A staff member was in there with her and came out to talk to me. She asked what happened and I explained that she had rubbed popcorn on my head first so I was only reacting. The staff girl said "It's NOT the same thing" And the girl I was on the date with came out at that moment and also said in a loud angry voice "It's NOT the same thing!" We never did finish that movie and we didn't go on any dates after that. What would you have done?
The Horse Girl
I had always heard growing up to stay away from girls who are into horses. But, sometimes there is a cute one and you have to shoot your shot right? So I matched with a girl on the dating app "Hinge" and she was a cute petite blonde who rode horses competitively. We decided to meet up for a date to see how we like each other. I chose a nice bar in the historic part of downtown that had a deck with a nice view. The weather was good and I figured it would be a nice setting. She showed up and looked pretty cute. She gave me a hug and we were seated on the outdoor deck with a nice view as planned. We ordered a couple of beers. She explained that she had just come from riding her horse. No problem. That's what a horse girl would be expected to do I suppose. I detected on the air as the wind blew slightly a delicate scent of B.O. and I thought. "Is that me?" My mind raced...I had showered right before coming and know I put on deodorant. Surely it wouldn't be her...? But the wind blew again, from her direction and yes, yes it was her. I thought "she knew she was coming on a date, does she know she smells? She could easily go to the bathroom and take a damp paper towel and wipe her arm pits, why didn't she?" So this was dominating my thoughts and my nostrils. We got into some light getting to know each other conversation and I found out I was the first date she had been on in 4 years. Well that's interesting...hmmmm... She went on to explain that she had been in a long term relationship and was engaged. She and her fiancee had gone on a trip to Hawaii and taken surfing lessons. During the surfing lesson, her fiancee got pulled under in a current and drowned. So he had died and it messed her up pretty bad. And now, I'm the first date she'd been on since that happened. So, I was thinking...this might not work out. She was pretty attractive though so that definitely counts for something but a girl with stinky armpits and who is working out some major trauma might not be the right choice for me.
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