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Happy Monday
Hope your weekend was spectacular! I was reading an article this weekend about the importance of diaphragm breathing and how it's dysfunction is now being tied to and almost causative of some mild to severe illnesses. Being functional and diligent about your breathing practices will increase your gains and decrease your pains :) Make sure to join our level one breathing class to start your journey to breathing better! Article:
Welcome to the August Chiropractic community! We're so excited you're here😆. To access our breathing program, click on the classroom tab and select Level 1 breathing program. Come to the community chat to ask questions, leave comments, or simply document your journey with us. For your first post, please introduce yourself and what you do, where you're from and what city you're living in now, and what you're most excited about for this community and/or program. We can't wait to get to know you better and use this platform as a network for you as this community grows.
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August Chiropractic
A functional breathing program that incorporates 360 breathing, diaphragm breathing, and intra-abdominal pressure to increase your overall abilities.
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