Thoughts on this track?
Hey all!
Please delete if not allowed, but I just wondered if I could get your thoughts on a fantasy trailer track I'm working on for a library. I got some feedback and have made some changes, but I'd love to hear what you think and whether there is anything else you'd add?
The feedback I had on the original was...
"The start of the track needs to indicate the genre much faster. Something that conveys a fantastical or mythical quality to quickly signal to the listener what type of film/TV show this is. It needs to be more engaging as well. It goes on a bit too long without much variation. At :56 the action and intensity needs to pick up more to drive the track forward. Add more tension here and start to establish a more compelling rhythm with the percussion here. In the third act, expand upon that driving percussion to create more synchronized moments with the melodies and drums. I love the dramatic weight here, but it just needs to sound more action oriented."
I've tried to respond to each bit of feedback they gave in this version... but appreciate any thoughts this awesome community may have as I look to share a new version tomorrow evening. Thanks as always for the support!
Matt McDonnell
Thoughts on this track?
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