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Audio Artist Academy

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Audio Artist Rise

Private • 51 • $119/m

8 contributions to Audio Artist Academy
Interested in the Audio Artist Rise Program? Let me call you today!
Hey sound magicians, want to make this quick. If you are interested in the Audio Artist Rise Program, let me know. I am available all day (except 6-7pm CET) for you guys. I still get so many questions about what's inside, how it's working and so on. If you are interested to get your career onto the next level, let me know, send me your phone number via private message and I will call you. I can also show you around a bit on what's inside :) Also, here is a latest testimonial.Thank you so much @Matt McDonnell! PS: If you are an Audio Artist Rise Member, you can safely ignore this post 😅 PPS: On a sidenote, please keep in mind that the course Mockup Craft (included in AAR) goes up to 69 USD today.
New comment 2h ago
Interested in the Audio Artist Rise Program? Let me call you today!
2 likes • 9h
@Ryan Trebilcock I am indeed - Essex!
1 like • 8h
@Ryan Trebilcock definitely man! Very keen to get more in person meets across the AAR community!
Thoughts on this track?
Hey all! Please delete if not allowed, but I just wondered if I could get your thoughts on a fantasy trailer track I'm working on for a library. I got some feedback and have made some changes, but I'd love to hear what you think and whether there is anything else you'd add? The feedback I had on the original was... "The start of the track needs to indicate the genre much faster. Something that conveys a fantastical or mythical quality to quickly signal to the listener what type of film/TV show this is. It needs to be more engaging as well. It goes on a bit too long without much variation. At :56 the action and intensity needs to pick up more to drive the track forward. Add more tension here and start to establish a more compelling rhythm with the percussion here. In the third act, expand upon that driving percussion to create more synchronized moments with the melodies and drums. I love the dramatic weight here, but it just needs to sound more action oriented." I've tried to respond to each bit of feedback they gave in this version... but appreciate any thoughts this awesome community may have as I look to share a new version tomorrow evening. Thanks as always for the support!
New comment 3d ago
0 likes • 3d
@Jonathan Rothenberg thank you, likewise! Looking forward to hearing what you’re working on!
1 like • 3d
@Sebastiaan Wegman thank you! I agree with you, on a later version I did some sorting of the levels so that they were a little more friendly to the ear 😅 thanks for the thoughts on the strings, too!
1000?! Yes, we made it! Thank you all!
Hey guys, first of all, I have been on the road for the last couple of days so there was bit of radio silence from my end and I am sorry about that. However, I am back in the studio ready to rumble. 🚀 Now, THANK YOU!! 🥳🥳🥳 We made it to 1000 members! In fact we are already on the way to hit 1100 :) This all wouldn't have been possible without you guys, so thank you so much! I am still thinking about the best way on how to celebrate this, so if you have any ideas let me know 👇 Now, what's the plan for the next weeks? I am currently in the concept of, finally, releasing a new course that will dedicated to everything regarding creating mockups. Basic stuff such as dynamics, CC commands, music theory, most instrument categories (orchestral, choirs, rock, drums, hybrid stuff, synths, basic audio recording), DAW settings and tips, how to finish tracks, my personal approach, how to work efficient, etc. I am aiming towards building my biggest course module so far to get you generally going with everything around creating solid mockups and tracks. ... and yes, if you are an Audio Artist Rise Member, you will get access to it for free! For everyone else interested in this course only, I would again introduce the course with an early access offer. Meaning, the course will be built throughout the next weeks, but in return you get in for just a fraction of the price and be locked in, no matter the final price. So, thanks so much again for all your support and let me know what you think?
New comment 5d ago
1000?! Yes, we made it! Thank you all!
3 likes • 6d
Congratulations Alex!! This is awesome news - I mentioned it in my video testimonial but joining this awesome community has been the best thing I’ve done in my (short) music career - it is so great to work with you and learn from your experience! In terms of how to celebrate, I do think it would be really cool to do an Audio Artist Rise meetup one day, maybe in Europe at a music conference or something? Just an idea. Would be great to meet some of the community in person! Congrats again :)
Question: Trailer Music Contracts
Hey all! I have received a contract through from a library who have asked me to write for them. It is the first contract I have seen (the other libraries I write for provide contracts after the tracks are written), so I just wanted to check a few things… - The contract mentions that the library will own the rights to the tracks I write for them in perpetuity - I’ve always thought this was the case with most libraries but wanted to check with you all. - The composer cannot use or promote any of the tracks without the library’s written consent - again, is this normal? - Library is granted a limited power of attorney to execute documents in the composer’s name, if they do not do so within three business days. Sounds… powerful - anyone seen this before? The rest is all pretty standard: 50% of the sync fee, 100% writer’s royalties. But just wanted to run the above three points by my fellow composers before I sign. Thanks in advance! 😁
New comment Aug 20
0 likes • Aug 20
@Alex Pfeffer thanks a lot, Alex! This makes lots of sense. Really appreciate the clarifications! Yes, this is the company who previously shared a positive reply, but were not quite ready to get started on a new track collection yet. Now they are ready so it is cool to be getting started, especially as I am finishing up my album for Amadea 😁
0 likes • Aug 20
@Danail Getz thanks a lot for the info! This makes sense and I’m cool with the library putting stuff out in their name - maybe my tune will change over time but right now I just want to establish great relationships with the libraries and hopefully get some cool placements 😁 hopefully this opportunity will help with that!
Sent My First Application Emails!
Hi All! Just wanted to share that this morning I’ve started sending application emails to trailer companies through SmartLead. It feels great to have put my music out into the world for industry professionals to hear! I’ll soon be contacting non-trailer companies too which is also super exciting, while constantly writing more music in the background, trying to build a ‘content backlog’ for my YouTube channel, which I’d like to launch later this year. Hope to have some great news to share with you all soon!
New comment Aug 8
1 like • Aug 8
@Dag Ove Vareberg always good to share the a-ha moments - especially as a Norwegian yourself 😉 (a-ha are my favourite band!)
1 like • Aug 8
@Dag Ove Vareberg haha, it is very much used in English by non-a-ha fans too 😁 Even as an Englishman I feel very proud of a-ha breaking into America as they did - their music has had a huge influence on my own, hopefully one day I can do a trailerised a-ha cover, maybe of something from the later albums too? I really loved True North in 2022 🙌🏻
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Matt McDonnell
24points to level up
UK-based composer

Active 8h ago
Joined Apr 16, 2024
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