Not everybody will agree with or mesh with your perception
We all see the world DIFFERENTLY, and most of the time that's okay. Unfortunately, there are a few times throughout a human life that we all encounter people that see the world so differently, that we can't peacefully interact with them. While it is very hard, I have personally found the only solution to be walking away from that relationship in as peaceful of a way as possible. Most people don't intend to hurt other people, but some certainly get blinded by their own egos and warped perceptions to the point that no matter how much you try to speak truth or come to a peaceful resolution, they'll always refer back to their jaded story because it validates the ego/identity they are subconsciously trying to hold onto. Its the adult version of hide and seek. Some hide from truth and some seek truth. The hiders hide from the truth, their own insecurities as well as reality, and in turn try to mold reality with their words and actions to try and get others to see them the way that they want to be seen. The funny party is its a huge waste of energy because this discounts people's ability to formulate their own perceptions of life based on the experience they are seeing rather than what the manipulator is telling them. This is why the truth always reveals itself despite the façade one may try to impose on others. I am going through one of these situations myself currently, and the only time I feel peace is when I accept that the other person is simply doing the best with what they know, but is blinded by their sense of false identity that they SO badly wants to cling onto, even though its covering up reality and destroying our friendship. Guess this is life's way of saying its time for our paths to separate, and that's okay.