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Networking is happening in 7 days
We are Switching Things Up...
In December of 2023, we started Arena Transfer for fun, having no idea that it was actually going to have the impact it has. Since then, we have had 150+ members join us between different platforms. It has been so much fun meeting each and every person, and the future is more than exciting. This past June, we hosted our first meet up in Columbus, OH and had the opportunity to network with 30 former college and pro athletes. We saw the value that everyone got through from being in the room with like-minded people. This is when the vision really opened… After the event, more and more conversations came up and we were actually disappointed. There were so many people who wanted to be a part of what we were doing, but they weren’t a former college or pro athlete. So we went back to the drawing board to reevaluate what we really wanted this to be and where we wanted to take it. We thought through this for weeks until it finally clicked. We have officially rebranded… New Standrd. A social club for high performers worldwide. We believe in the power of two things. Your habits and your environment. Our mission is to help you build the habits and network you need to not only achieve the success you desire, but to truly build the life you dream of. To us, the journey is the best part and the only part. There is no end. And we want to have a lot of fun on it. New features coming: - Meetup hubs and events nationwide via our new partnership with Linxy - Weekly impactful networking calls and guest speakers - Exclusive invites to MasterMinds and events hosted by elites worldwide - Energy...
New comment Aug 1
We just wrapped up our first athlete meetup and it was a BLAST. To those that came out, thank you so much for taking the time to come and be a part of our mission! So grateful for every human that was in the room. Couldn’t have asked for a better turnout, and you guys made it so special! What happened: - 29 incredible former athletes attended - We crushed a full body workout led by @Zachary Turnure - Had the best protein bars (and we mean that) from Nash Nutrition - Spoke on navigating life after sport through mindset, wellness, and career - Networked and had cocktails on rooftops Nothing gets us more excited than being in the room with like-minded people. If you want to change your life, it starts with the people around you! This is just the beginning! Let’s change the lives of retired athletes across the world 🔥
New comment Jul 2
It's who you know!
In life and business, we often hear the phrase, "It's not what you know, but who you know." While having knowledge and skills is essential, I've found that the connections we make and the relationships we build can truly be the game-changers. Here's why networking and building relationships have taken me so far: 1. Opportunities for Growth: - Through networking, I've come across countless opportunities that I wouldn't have discovered otherwise. Whether it's a new business venture, a partnership, or even just valuable advice, the people I've met have opened doors I never knew existed. 2. Learning from Others: - Every person you meet has a unique perspective and experiences. By building relationships, I've learned so much from others' successes and failures. These insights have helped me make better decisions and avoid common pitfalls. 3. Support System: - Life and business can be challenging, and having a strong network means having a support system to lean on. The encouragement, advice, and even just a listening ear from my connections have been invaluable during tough times. 4. Collaboration and Innovation: - Some of my best ideas and projects have come from collaborating with others (just like Arena Transfer). Networking allows you to find like-minded individuals who share your passions and can bring new ideas and energy to the table. 5. Trust and Credibility: - Building relationships over time helps establish trust and credibility. People are more likely to do business with you, refer you to others, and support your endeavors if they know and trust you. 6. Personal Fulfillment: - Beyond the professional benefits, I've found immense personal fulfillment in the friendships and connections I've made (my favorite part). These relationships enrich my life and bring joy and meaning beyond business success. In conclusion, networking and building relationships have been crucial to my journey. They've provided opportunities, support, learning, and so much more. If there's one piece of advice I can give, it's to invest time in building and nurturing your network. Reach out, connect, and genuinely engage with others. You never know where it might lead you.
New comment Jun 14
Your "planning" is holding you back..
The biggest issue I had when starting my journey as an entrepreneur was that I had so many HIGH-LEVEL ideas, but would only talk about them or write them down. I would even have step by step plans on how to start such and such business, but never felt ready to actually get started. This is because I wasn't taking action on those plans, which resulted in me feeling stuck and unsure on where to look next. It is as simple as this, success loves speed so take action now! I know many people get suck in similar positions and that is why I am excited to talk about it on tonight's call, with Sammi, @ 7:30. Can't wait to see you there!
New comment May 9
Wednesday Calls Will be a Game Changer
From here on out we will be hosting a Wednesday call that will be a focal point of the group. It is a game changer for two reasons: 1) Building relationships with others in the same boat as you at all different levels. 2) Opportunity to openly share where you are currently at and get real feedback and insight on how to grow personally and in your ventures. I have been working on a personal project and the biggest realization I have had is that I wish I would've built my environment even earlier than I did. Environment truly is everything. It will make or break you. It can turn something that might take you 20 years into 1 year. You may be reading this thinking, "I don't even know what I want to do yet," "I'm not ready to be on that call," "Why would anyone care about what I have to say?" And that's exactly what make you perfect for this. The only way to find yourself is to be around others who know themselves and can help you pull your ideas out. And what better person for feedback than another athlete with similar ambitions? Let's grow! And have a damn good time doing it.
New comment May 1
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New Standrd
High performers living expressive lives.
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