Wednesday Calls Will be a Game Changer
From here on out we will be hosting a Wednesday call that will be a focal point of the group.
It is a game changer for two reasons:
1) Building relationships with others in the same boat as you at all different levels.
2) Opportunity to openly share where you are currently at and get real feedback and insight on how to grow personally and in your ventures.
I have been working on a personal project and the biggest realization I have had is that I wish I would've built my environment even earlier than I did.
Environment truly is everything. It will make or break you. It can turn something that might take you 20 years into 1 year.
You may be reading this thinking, "I don't even know what I want to do yet," "I'm not ready to be on that call," "Why would anyone care about what I have to say?"
And that's exactly what make you perfect for this. The only way to find yourself is to be around others who know themselves and can help you pull your ideas out. And what better person for feedback than another athlete with similar ambitions?
Let's grow! And have a damn good time doing it.
Samantha Whiteman
Wednesday Calls Will be a Game Changer
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