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Perseverance in Dropshipping: Turning Struggles into Success
Starting out in dropshipping wasn’t easy. Challenges seemed to lurk around every corner—finding reliable suppliers and driving traffic to my store felt like an uphill battle. But I refused to throw in the towel. Instead of seeing setbacks as failures, I embraced them as opportunities to learn and grow. With perseverance and determination, I pushed through the tough times Slowly but surely, my efforts began to pay off. Sales started trickling in, and before long, my dropshipping business gained momentum, providing the financial freedom I had always desired. To anyone facing obstacles in their dropshipping journey, my advice is simple: don’t give up. Success may not come easily, but with resilience and perseverance, you can overcome any challenge and achieve your goals. Remember, every setback is just a stepping stone on the path to success. Keep pushing forward, and you’ll eventually reach your destination
How do I find winning products?
There are tons of methods to find winning products. I will just tell you my favorite ones. First you have to now there are 3 general methods: 1. Unicorn Method - You find a product yourself on Aliexpress and make it your own Winner = You will not have a lot of competitors and could scale really high. BUT its also the hardest method, it takes a lot of time and i would not recommend it for beginners. You need experience for it 2. Copycat Method - You can see Ads from other Dropshippers and hop on their products. → Reverse Engineering  3. Organic Method - Spend time on the different Platforms, click on ads, put atc. You will get more Ads on your page and so you will see what products other people run. Organic works great for us right now. I will not make it too long here - as i am only going to explain, what i would recommend for beginners I mostly used the Facebook Library for finding winning products. It's totally free, and you see all of the ads that are current run on facebook (FB, IG) But right now I just use tiktok organic and its great, as with my experience its very easy to see products with potential. How To Use Facebook Ads Library Change the filter settings to the country you want to sell & All Categories. The type of things I would search for is… Keywords Of Product Features Problem Phrases Brands Products Solution Phrases Offers ‘Shop now’ (then you see all ads broad) I open stores that I see potential in or lead to more inspiration or ideas (requires experience), so in the beginning just open every dropshipping store - We do research on the product (QUALITATIVE) and answering the most important questions  - After we decide, that we would like to test the product - we prepare the deep research to the product (aura strategy)  - we make creatives based on the target group (the hook, messaging etc)  - we build the shop based on previous research (so you see everything is based on the aura strategy you do first, so you have to work high qualitative in every step) - we launch the ads - we analyze and improve
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New comment Mar 27
Potential Product Research Insights - March Week 1-2
Hey everyone, I've spent the past few days diving into product research and have curated a list that I think might have some potential… Based on manual TikTok research, 3rd party tools and ads library to select these products. Please take a moment to review the list linked below if you have time. I’m particularly excited about the Air Compression backpack which is a knockoff of the Airback (so not too sure)… I would love to hear your thoughts on these. Any feedback, insights, or additional research you can share would be great. Google Sheets Link Looking forward to your opinions and any suggestions to refine the approach further! 😁
New comment Mar 14
should I share one time my actual product research list?
If I have one strength, then it is seeing winning products from scratch... If you really want, I can share one time my list. Anyway its changing nearly every day. But only one time. Normally I do product recommendations only in the paid training. I directly sent products to people where I know it could be a good fit for them to sell it. But only products that I mean serious and not like those ''10 products you need to sell right now'' videos. But anyway, keep in mind: Product is not the most important. Your marketing is. Especially creatives. Content = KING
should I share one time my actual product research list?
Day 1...
Hey guys I'm posting to update about my store I would like any and all advice on how to improve my store and get sales going!!!! I watched Alex's videos and implemented assurances. Put yourselves in the shoes of a customer thx 🙏🙏.
New comment Mar 7
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How I repeatedly scale Dropshipping stores to millions in sales and why my systems will work forever
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