Start Posting Content!
Let me briefly tell you why content is the most important aspect of any successful business in modern times… if your competitors are posting and you're not, they will lap you. And if theyre not posting and you start, you can simply lap them🤣
44% of consumers prefer learning about products or services through content…
While 87% of marketers reported increased sales as a result of video content…
But let's look at Alex Hormozi and what content has done for him.
Not only has content managed to become a prime source for acquiring new clients…
But also to discover new talent to work under him for that matter… Hormozi now attracts the best talent and has them begging to work for him, imagine that happening for you one day.
Content allows you to nurture leads regardless where they come from if you can provide value, cold outreach, paid ads, or inbound from content. If someone can have the opportunity to binge watch valuable content, they will be sold before the call even starts
Don't underestimate the power on a sales call when you ask them to google your name and you're the only person they will see for the entire page.
When you start content, it will be a little rough around the edges, accept it, and Make it better with time. Each video, improve 1 thing, so in 5 years time, the quality and quantity of content has skyrocketed and your audience can truely see your rags to riches story.
Starting now allows you to have
  • More Videos
  • More time for people to see your videos
  • More time to establish as an authoritative figure
  • More time for feedback and improvements
Content is a long term game, and eventually inbound leads will follow. Nobody from above will ever judge you. Don't care what losers say because they cant comprehend someone else doing something outside the norm, And if they wont even be at your funeral, why care.
Make your first video before the week ends. Otherwise, stay behind. Also ill add some social proof mainly from my short form content (now switching to long form)
Harry Clark
Start Posting Content!
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