6 years into this journey…. Time in the game is starting to reward.
Few points
Client results, you have to go all in and solve your clients problems. Sales may get you your first 100k month but client results keeps you there.
We have heavily incentivised our AMs for getting pay if full ascensions. In 1 month 1 of our AMs ascended 25% of her client base onto their 2nd contract with a 4 month PIF….
Since incorporating the hybrid model and going all in 6 months ago last month was a record month with clients doing over 4m in sales in 1 month…. The game changes when clients actually get results.
We incorporated an industry expert to take a Wednesday sales training call and he takes 1 on 1 support calls, he also takes saving calls if clients want to leave and we pay him commission for saving the client….
Took us 5 years to hit 100k a month… took us 4 months to go from 100k - 200k, if you put time in your niche and invest into really trying to understand your clients problems and how to solve them and most of all how to actually communicate with your client to get them into the right mindset to win then… momentum happens