17,928 cold calls in 9 days
Cold calling is a lot more effective than you think
I made 17,928 calls in 9 days
The issue most people do it themselves and their script sucks.
How many cold calls can you do a day? (Before you give up because it’s that boring)
I imagine 100-200.
Whereas you can hire people to do 300+ a day and they can take pride in it due to it being their main income.
I recommend hiring people from
  • Skool
  • Discord
  • Facebook
  • Upwork
Egyptians have amazing accents, aim for B2 or C1 level English if possible.
Then you can get them up with a phone number and if you have the funds a dialer.
With 5 guys working for you, that should be 1500 points of contact a day from one acquisition channel.
You’ve already about 15x’d your output from one method and you don’t even need to do anything.
I’ll say it every time, position yourself as a founder and not a self employed employee and you’ll thank yourself.
Anyways I have a full doc and video to help with cold calling, just comment or dm here/Ig ‘cold call’
Harry Clark
17,928 cold calls in 9 days
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