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Welcome To Ad Master Coaching! (Start Here)
Welcome to Ad Master Coaching! To get started, head to the classroom and click on the first option that says "Start Here! Unlock Stuff". That's where you'll see how to use the Skool platform, the community rules, how to level up and unlock content, and how to download the Skool app. That's it! Drop a comment below to complete this post's action and let me know you've seen the rules and know how to get around. Otherwise, head to the classroom, dig through community board posts, start posting, and I'll see you on the calls! -Ryan Baker Founder, Ad Master Coaching
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New comment 13d ago
Welcome To Ad Master Coaching! (Start Here)
When you want to say something, but don't want to make a whole post...
Drop a comment in this post. We can just keep up a general discussion about anything without making it all "official".
New comment Jun 2
Excited to Learn
Hey y’all! I’ve just joined to learn more about running and managing Google Ads. I’m eager to gain insights and share experiences with all of you as I enhance my skills in this area. Looking forward to connecting and learning together!
New comment 5d ago
Hello Ad Master Coaching Community!
I'm thrilled to join this fantastic group and connect with all of you amazing ad enthusiasts! My name is Summer, and I'm incredibly excited to learn, share, and grow alongside such a talented community. To kick things off, what's one word you think best describes a great ad campaign? Looking forward to your stories and insights!
New comment 9d ago
Noob Incoming :)
Dear All, my name is Mark, and I am a total Newbie here in the group (but not so much at doing ads). So I am looking forward to networking and learning with all. Who knows :) what we'll find out together, and I always love learning new things and getting better at our Art as a result. Thanks for letting me in -- glad to be here!
New comment 13d ago
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Ad Master Coaching
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A community of Google Ads managers with a classroom full of training and Q&A Recordings. All topics are searchable to quickly find answers.
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