Jun '23 (edited) in General Discussion
Welcome To Ad Master Coaching! (Start Here)
Welcome to Ad Master Coaching!
To get started, head to the classroom and click on the first option that says "Start Here! Unlock Stuff".
That's where you'll see how to use the Skool platform, the community rules, how to level up and unlock content, and how to download the Skool app.
That's it! Drop a comment below to complete this post's action and let me know you've seen the rules and know how to get around.
Otherwise, head to the classroom, dig through community board posts, start posting, and I'll see you on the calls!
-Ryan Baker
Founder, Ad Master Coaching
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Ryan Baker
Welcome To Ad Master Coaching! (Start Here)
Ad Master Coaching
Public group
A community of Google Ads managers with a classroom full of training and Q&A Recordings. All topics are searchable to quickly find answers.
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