Hi Guys,
Can anyone help me? I have a dilemma.
I have 2 options.
Option 1:
Start my sales business with no start up capital just me selling my B2B services for partnered companies.
Option 2:
Get a sales job allowing me to save money so that at a later date I can start my business with start up capital.
Everytime I have tried to do Option 2, I got to a stage where I just didn't want to be there because I'm not happy. Not happy with the product, the environment, the employees, the managers etc. To non believers, it'll sound a bit weird what I'm about to say, but it's almost if I am not supposed to be working for someone. As if God wants me to start option 1.
It's just whenever I have started option 1. I don't know if it's fear of failing, fear of being wrong, self confidence etc but I just don't know how to even start. In simple terms I get ready, get dressed get to the door of the business and just freeze!
I've been I'm sales for over 10 years now and never have I got to that stage working for someone else. It has only happened when I have started my own business.
My purpose is to help people, help businesses owners however I am not sure what my nest step should be.
Could you all or someone please help?
Kyle Taylor
Accelerator University
Leila and Alex Hormoziโ€™s videos curated into a Business Accelerator to earn a Master of Business Acquisition (MBA)
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