Write something
How Do You Keep Yourself Motivated?
So, you've been given the task of writing a twenty-page paper on a topic you REALLY are uninterested in. Anyone got tips for keeping yourself motivated?
I am Used to Using High level words to impress my teachers. Is this a good idea?
I ask this question to get members to think about the following: there are two kinds of "high level words." There is, in other words, a difference between SCIENTIFIC WORDS and POETIC WORDS... Discuss... :-)
Do You Need a "Hook"?
QUESTION FOR DISCUSSION: A lot of instructors tell you your writing should begin with a "hook"? Do you agree? If you read published academic articles, do they begin with a hook, or do they start with a bland description of the study that will then later be described in the body of the paper? Which is better?
New comment 19d ago
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Academic English Improvement
A forum for discussing problems students have with academic writing
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