What does an acceptable 'Worst Case Scenario' look like?
When running Worst/Expected/Best Case scenario projections during underwriting, the idea is to find a worst case scenario that we could live with. What does a worst case scenario we could live with look like? Link below to a deal I'm looking at. As is, I believe the business has a current value around $600k. I see a bank financed offer at $625k providing the returns I'm looking for. I ran a worst cases scenario to play out if I can't raise the rents as high as I'd like. The 5 Year Summary Table shows the result. What do we look for to know if it passes the "Can I live with it?" test. Notes: This is for a bank financed offer. I ran this analysis using an estimated flat 40% expenses. I didn't break it down line by line. So a lot of lines are blank. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nyRx8t7Gj-eM7GX7ORLTCnGgKL5Eeew4/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=118426573171122109797&rtpof=true&sd=true #underwriting #makingoffers