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2 contributions to Hustle Less & Live More
Time Management for me is:
Since I love baking, food analogies may become a thing in here. ;-)
6 members have voted
New comment Feb 8
2 likes • Feb 4
I feel like time management is still back and forth for me. Most days it is easy and great. Some days it is not as good. As I get better at it, I find more and more areas I can improve, so it is kind of a never ending thing. I will say that I am 5x as good at time management as I was this time last year though. I am currently using techniques like time blocking, batching, and mega-batching. I am currently focusing on different levels of delegation to help ensure that I spend most of my time working on tasks that I both enjoy and am proficient at. It is easy to waste time focusing on things I enjoy doing, but someone else could do a better job at than I can.
1 like • Feb 8
@Pamela Wagner you don’t have to take it away necessarily. Personally I would either give it away or learn from them. That is the cost of being effective. If you like it, but will take a long time to become proficient at it, then keeping that task is denying yourself the ability to give the highest value you can give. It is selfish. That is not bad. It just is. So I use that to be more deliberate with my decisions.
The Fastest Way To Feel Better Almost Instantly
Today, I recorded a short video for you.
New comment Feb 7
The Fastest Way To Feel Better Almost Instantly
2 likes • Feb 4
"Adopting the Opposite" is a great strategy. The questions that come as you explore are where the magic happens. "What would have to be true for that for this to be a reality?" Alex Hormozi says that sadness is a perceived lack of options and that anxiety is the opposite. Anxiety is too many options. Anytime I feel either of those emotions, I can easily get through them because I can think about those definitions and then ask, "Is it true that I do not have options?" or I need to make a decision and pick an option. 10/10 I believe that writing things down can help a ton! If you are struggling to get through your head. Write everything down. Your mind is designed to keep you thinking about the thoughts that are rattling around so that you do not forget them. When you write it down with pen and paper(I highly suggest keeping a notebook by your bed for you, insomniacs) then your brain realizes that it does not need to remember that point anymore. If you have too many points floating around in your head it can take a while to get them all down. Once they are down on paper, your mind will be free. Also for those who continue to think about the things you have already written down. It is helpful to talk to your brain as though it is a different person. "Carl, I already wrote that down. Do you want to waste time remembering something the paper will never forget?" That usually helps me.
0 likes • Feb 5
Thank you. I have done a lot of reading, learning, and growing over the years; still more to go. I am working on making a gpt that can be used as a coach in those moments. External sources are great and often necessary for increasing awareness and perspective.
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Willard Moore
15points to level up
I am a business consultant and fractional CTO. I make businesses more profitable and efficient by streamlining operations and technology.

Active 19m ago
Joined Feb 4, 2024
Arizona, USA
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