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Travel Trainers

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6 contributions to Travel Trainers
What platform is best?
Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, In Person, and more. What platform do you love for reaching your audience? For me, I am targeting honeymoon and destination couples. So I pour all of my energy into learning IG and posting here. But to be honest, I get all of my clients from my Facebook. So in my thought process, I have built credibility with my FB audience because most of these people I know in person. So my wheels are turning on how to convert my Instagram audience, who are a majority of cold market, into buying clients. I know that I need to show my face more if I want people to "know, like and trust me" and that might be the super obvious answer. Comment below with your thoughts!
New comment Jun 27
What platform is best?
1 like • Jun 13
I agree. I initially expanded my business using Instagram and found significant reach there. I attracted a few cold clients by treating my Instagram as a “storefront.” By providing valuable information and becoming personable through engagement questions on my stories, I created small engagement. I also followed many Social Media Managers, Agents, and Travel Influencers in a similar niche for inspiration, and I tuned into podcasts to learn algorithm and reel tips. However, I recently turned to Facebook and found it considerably easier to grow and gain clients on that platform! As I balance both, I'm also trying to convert my IG followers to Facebook. To achieve this, I tag my Facebook page in my IG stories with links stating “Stay Connected!” or “Insider Insights!” This approach has been somewhat successful, although the conversion rate is still relatively low. Managing multiple platforms is a skill, but I believe that staying consistent, being personable, crafting engaging hooks, and continually marketing your valuable services is “putting your eggs in multiple baskets” & will lead to even more success!
0 likes • Jun 13
@Christine Berencz Thank you!! You inspire me as well 😉☺️ The accounts I’ve gained the most influence from, is Disney Travel Agents & Disney Influencers! Them being in the parks all the time, understanding the same vacation language - I’m then able to create a similar content, with my own twist/branding!
Disney Days!
Counting down the days until we’re back in the theme parks! 🐭🎢🏰 When was your last Walt Disney World Vacation? 💬
New comment Jun 13
Disney Days!
I’m torn! 😭
Is it a daily win if I held back on booking myself a trip today, or should I have booked a trip? 🧐 The day is not over yet! How many days until your next trip? 🎉🙌🌎
New comment Jun 5
I’m torn! 😭
2 likes • Jun 4
We know the feeling, take the trip!! 57 more days until our next adventure! 🧳✈️
2 likes • Jun 5
@Christine Berencz @Kit Bissinger Yes it is! 😉 SOO excited!! 🥳
Bali 2024
Bali swings are a must!
New comment May 30
Bali 2024
2 likes • May 30
Incredible adventure! 😍😍🌿
Name a destination that starts with the first letter of your name
I’ll start! Curacao. It is absolutely on my bucket list. Something about all those colorful buildings on the waterfront. And I love the fact that it is so safe that resorts encourage you to explore the city.
New comment May 30
Name a destination that starts with the first letter of your name
2 likes • May 30
Virgin Islands! 🚢🌴
1-6 of 6
Victoria Harper
7points to level up
| Victoria Harper | Proud CEO of Harper Adventures Travel Agency 💫 Turning Dreams into Destinations 🐭 Adding Magic to Disney Adventures

Active 98d ago
Joined May 29, 2024
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