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The Symbiosis Society

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7 contributions to The Symbiosis Society
G’day my name is David Binch, I’m a qualified horticulturalist with 20 years experience. I care and love our Australian native environment. I have been experimenting with grafting Australian natives mostly Grevillea species and others, I enjoy meeting like minded people and will chat tomorrow, cheers Binchy.
New comment 18d ago
1 like β€’ Jul 7
Love to learn more about grating!
1 like β€’ Jul 9
@David Binch oh whoops! Try tune in next time
πŸ“» Hort & ecology media (podcasts, youtube, radio, magazines, etc)
Thought it'd be great for us to have an audio / video resource thread. I listen to many shows while working & gardening and wanted to share some resources and learn about more from others in the community: 3CR Gardening Show - Weekly radio show that runs on a Sunday morning. They archive every episode and also have a podcast feed. It's rotating cast of horticulture experts, many of whom are hard-out native plant and ecology nerds (several aren't, so your interest may vary). Listeners can also call/text in. This show has been running for decades and is an institution of the horticulture scene in Melbourne and I have learnt much from it. Today's ep featured extended discussion around butterfly & native plant interaction (some cool insights into Bursaria spinosa), native shade-friendly plants, the pros and cons of the deep-planting method in both gardening and conservation, amongst many other topics. Can be Victoria-centric at times, but guests have often visited different parts of Australia (and the world) and will speak to that. I.e. today one of the hosts spoke about a recent visit to QLD and all the wonder she found up there. Crime Pays But Botany Doesn't (topical!) - A hilarious, opinionated & obnoxious self-taught Italian-American botanist from Chicago explores ecology of the US and the world, ID-ing & marveling at plant life, ecology and geology. You've likely already seen/heard this show so I won't say too much, other than to go find those episodes he did in Tasmania. There are 6-7 of them and they're all incredible - you will learn about many amazing species of genera you already love. He's also done a few videos about plant ID, plant systematics, etc. Also on insta & the pods. He also has a TV show called "Kill Yr Lawn" where he and another bratty guy strip out people's front lawns and plant indig plants, but that's hard to find (on the torrents).
New comment Jul 27
2 likes β€’ Jul 7
Love this thread, occasionally listen to this
Monotropa Uniflora- ghost pipes
found these in the woods yesterday , this a plant I already recognized bc the first time i saw one last year i thought it was some type of fungus and looked it up that day to find its a plant with no chlorophyll- so it has a relationship with mycorrhizae fungi, the middle man, to take energy from the plants the fungus reaches. so these guys rlly take advantage of the mycelial network. (theres fs someone here who can explain that more cohesively lol) wanted to share bc they have become one of my favorites to find. truly ghostly and also fairy-like if u ask me. i think they look so beautiful agaisnt the dark forest ground.
New comment Jul 8
Monotropa Uniflora- ghost pipes
2 likes β€’ Jul 7
@Luke Sams Monotropa uniflora, it's American
Live discussion about restoration & agroforest Friday at 8pm
πŸͺ»Hey everyone, Guest speaker @Byron Austin is a specialist in food forestry a system where you regenerate land and grow food for yourself and others using regeneration techniques and food plants. We are going to have a deep dive discussion from 8pm-9pm tomorrow! Lock it in your calendar and find the link for the discussion in the calendar tab. Who's coming along for this one? ☝️ Link for the meeting: 8pm AEST
New comment Jun 21
2 likes β€’ Jun 20
Sounds great!
!Competition Announcement! πŸ˜ˆπŸ€ πŸ€– Click here to have fun!
Okay so you've seen the prizes right!? $2989 worth of prizes and the first 3 people on the leaderboard will share the epic prizes. Trust me, they are not far ahead. SO I thought to try help everyone get some points & share something, we could do a fun competition! The competition works in two parts Competition: 1. Post a set of photos of a plant, without ANY hint or suggestion to what it is. (or just one if you only have one BUT MAKE SURE ITS A CLEAR PHOTO!) 2. Comment under as many peoples photos with a KEY FEATURE of their plant. EG: This plant has leaves with a serrate edge 3. If someone comments on your post, leave (😏) a like πŸ‘ if they are right! 4. OR if you know the plant, also comment what plant it is 🀯 (this is worth the same as a key feature) Use the category (Plant ID) and have some fun! Competition ends on Sunday at midnight. The person with the most points, will be much closer to collecting the prize! πŸ«›πŸŒ΄πŸͺ»OKAY HERE'S MINE: Leave a comment with a key feature of this plant & then separately post your own plant!
Complete action
New comment Jun 20
!Competition Announcement! πŸ˜ˆπŸ€ πŸ€– Click here to have fun!
2 likes β€’ Jun 17
Single (or at least on this plant) basal leaf and this flower, love some key identifiable trates to lead to the answer
0 likes β€’ Jun 18
@Ferdianto Setialie wow well thanks!
1-7 of 7
Love native plants yay

Active 8h ago
Joined Jun 9, 2024
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