📻 Hort & ecology media (podcasts, youtube, radio, magazines, etc)
Thought it'd be great for us to have an audio / video resource thread. I listen to many shows while working & gardening and wanted to share some resources and learn about more from others in the community:
3CR Gardening Show - Weekly radio show that runs on a Sunday morning. They archive every episode and also have a podcast feed. It's rotating cast of horticulture experts, many of whom are hard-out native plant and ecology nerds (several aren't, so your interest may vary). Listeners can also call/text in. This show has been running for decades and is an institution of the horticulture scene in Melbourne and I have learnt much from it.
Today's ep featured extended discussion around butterfly & native plant interaction (some cool insights into Bursaria spinosa), native shade-friendly plants, the pros and cons of the deep-planting method in both gardening and conservation, amongst many other topics. Can be Victoria-centric at times, but guests have often visited different parts of Australia (and the world) and will speak to that. I.e. today one of the hosts spoke about a recent visit to QLD and all the wonder she found up there.
Crime Pays But Botany Doesn't (topical!) - A hilarious, opinionated & obnoxious self-taught Italian-American botanist from Chicago explores ecology of the US and the world, ID-ing & marveling at plant life, ecology and geology. You've likely already seen/heard this show so I won't say too much, other than to go find those episodes he did in Tasmania. There are 6-7 of them and they're all incredible - you will learn about many amazing species of genera you already love. He's also done a few videos about plant ID, plant systematics, etc. Also on insta & the pods. He also has a TV show called "Kill Yr Lawn" where he and another bratty guy strip out people's front lawns and plant indig plants, but that's hard to find (on the torrents).
In Defense Of Plants - another US-based show about plants an ecology. Also a great instagram account. Listened to this one this week on the Nightshade family and it was very deep and amazing.
OK, I shut up now so others can go...
Alex Nosek
📻 Hort & ecology media (podcasts, youtube, radio, magazines, etc)
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