Seeking mentorship in Project Management
Hello folks. I'm seeking someone who could have a few chats with me about their experience with formal, "capital PM" project management in Financial Services. I've been working in RIA OPS for just over 6 months and have held my PMP for going on 4 years now, but candidly, I feel like a bit of an imposter at the latter. I've done the CE to renew my PMP and have organized a lot of teams and projects (mostly in prior careers in education and military service), and formally held two significant and challenging *Program* Manager roles, but I haven't gotten into what I'd consider "formal" *Project* Management: learning to use PM software, approaching PM in the deliberate way PMI teaches and tests you on, etc. I have a few personal contacts that are PMs, but none of them work specifically in the RIA space, so I'm hoping to find someone willing to take me on, not quite with the investment (from either side) of a professional coach, but with the willingness to have a few conversations and provide some best practices. I'm thinking of practical application in things like managing M&A, changing custodians, etc. Some of these are on the plate for my firm, and others may be coming down the pipeline. I'm confident @Jessica Jones would knock this request out of the park, but I don't wanna just put that on her and I suspect there are others out there with a similar skillset and would welcome any guidance or support. Best, T.J.