building an advisortech stack from scratch...
🤔 Advisors & Operators: If you were building a tech stack from scratch and money was no issue, what would you choose? ▶️ Think: scalable, HNW Here are some common categories to get you started: - Custodian - CRM - Portfolio Management / Performance Reporting - Financial Planning - Document Management - Investment Data / Analytics - Fee Billing - Compliance - Communications Archiving - Risk Tolerance - Data Gathering - Scheduling - Retirement Planning - Tax Planning - Estate Planning - Healthcare / Medicare Planning - Insurance Planning - Liability Planning - Charitable Planning - Advice Engagement - Proposal Generation - Voice / Texting - Cybersecurity - Held-Away Assets - Identify Theft - Note-Taking - Email Newsletter - Prospecting - Lead Generation - Video Meetings - Team Communication - Email Hosting - Email Overlay - eSignature - Firm Valuation / Benchmarking (feel free to copy this list and post your picks in the comments below)