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Digital Growth Community

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Digital Growth Community Free

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5 contributions to Digital Growth Community Free
I found an amazing MINDSET app that literally reprograms your subconscious mind. It's called ZYGON I will have an affiliate link available shortly Im waiting to get it from the creators. It's been amazing I have been using it now for about 4 months but just started consistently using it these past 30 days. Its really been wonderful in reprogramming my mindset. I also use Tik its a teleprompting app that you can use as an overlay widget over any app you want I use it when I record my looms and I use it to help me with what I want to say on my tiktoks because I have a tendency to ramble and go off track it help me tremendously to stay on track!
New comment May 23
0 likes • May 16
@Jeffrey Beitel
0 likes • May 16
@Kristy Walsh im so sorry I forgot i posted this i apologize
1800 in 12 hours
Three days ago I made 1800 in a 12 hour time frame. However that success hasn't been consistent for me and this was something that I never imagined possible for myself! However I am excited and enthusiastic for the next chapter and this next 90 day run!
New comment Apr 9
$5000 is just a few days!!
Most people struggle to make that in a month. I am so grateful that i no longer have to work 2 jobs and 18 hour days anymore all because of this online business
New comment 6d ago
6 likes • Mar 3
your a true inspiration I strive for that same success I am pushing and I am starting to see it and I know for a fact its there for me March is my month and Im going to see you at the top! I love that you share so much value with the community! Thank you for that!!
Focus on 1 to 2 platforms
1 mistake I made when starting online digital marketing was trying to promote on all platforms. I exhausted myself and didn’t see results. Once i went down to only promoting on 2 platforms. I started to see success and now my business is growing fast!
New comment Mar 16
5 likes • Feb 29
This is so so true once you get your focus on these two you can add others once you get your routine down on your initial 1 or 2 platforms
Indigenous Roots
My name is Theadora Selma Roberts-Tucker I am the mom to two amazing boys I am also a recovering alcoholic and opiate addict ex-felon and I am also an Indigenous American. I started my digital marketing journey when my father passed away in July and I lost the income I was receiving to care for him. I've done MLM for 20 plus years I started right out of highschool selling Kirby Vaccuums door to door I also did Tom Watt out of highschool I was my regions #1 seller of Vaccuums 2 years in a row however every penny I made went to pay for me to go to school. I have my Juris Docterate, I have two additional Bachealors Degrees. I have done Amazon FBA and I did drop shipping also. I lost 7 years of savings in the crypto scams. I have done it all the last actual job I held was 7 years ago and I was working 90 plus hours a week and I got so burnt out I got into a car accident when I fell asleep at the wheel on my way home from a double shift. When I found digital marketing I thought to myself this is just another scam there is no way you can make 100% profit off of two hours of work. So I was a smart aleck at first and used what was being taught for something else I had some amazing success at first but then I got into my head and I lost that success so once I started applying the lessons to what they should have been applied for I have found my purpose in life. I vowed I would help 500 people find financial freedom in 2024 Im at 5 already. It takes persistence dedication and consistency to find and see success so if your ready to push and do what is necessary the success will come.
New comment Mar 15
1-5 of 5
Theadora Roberts
76points to level up
Indigenous woman seeking ways to liberate her community from poverty and financial hardships I will help my people get back to financial freedom

Active 2d ago
Joined Feb 28, 2024
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