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9 contributions to CISSP Study Group
Wooo!!! I passed!
I PASSED!!!!! I went over 100 qs. Soon as that happened I was sure I failed, so I was just barely paying attention to the rest of the questions, The computer stopped me at 110 Go figure . LOL Im getting a beer!
New comment 3d ago
Wooo!!! I passed!
1 like • 4d
Same thing happened to me last night! Congrats!
Provisionally passed last night at ~110
I'm not sure of the exact number. At 107, I had about an hour left, and I thought, okay, I have time. My god, that test was brutal. My undergrad was in math & computer science. I took very serious advanced math exams. Next to this beast, they were a kindergarten trip to the park. Other than maybe 5 "gimmes," the questions were nothing like the practice exams. The "50 hard CISSP questions" YouTube video came the closest to emulating them, but these questions were on steroids. I had no earthly idea if I was answering them correctly. I made educated guesses and hoped I guessed right. Then there were 3-5 questions that I literally had no idea how to answer, so I just blindly guessed. Hey, a 25% chance of being right >> a definite 0. I was certain I had failed. Imagine my joy when the proctor handed me that paper. I wanted to shoot off fireworks. Studying for this exam took over my life for the past 2 months, particularly the last 4-6 weeks. My study materials: - The OSG. I couldn't get through that droll thing, but I used the online test banks. - Destination CISSP book. Didn't read the whole thing because of time constraints. If I had, it probably would've helped. - 50 Hard CISSP questions. This helped A LOT. - CISSP exam cram. This helped a lot, too, especially the downloadable PowerPoints. - Why You Will Pass the CISSP. Not just a cheerleading video! Great accompaniment to the 50 Hard Questions video. - The LearnZapp app. I got to 74% preparedness yesterday. They very recently updated it for the new exam. Well worth the $35. I have an MBA, which helped with the whole "think like a manager" thing. That whole degree was about that. As others have mentioned, the practice questions drill you on the WHAT. The exam asks you WHY ... in painful detail.
New comment 2d ago
Provisionally passed last night at ~110
osi model stuff
which layer of the DOD model [no googling this one, I'm watching you] maps to the Applications layer of the OSI model.
20 members have voted
New comment 6d ago
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I just saw this one on a practice exam last night
CISSP Study Group+
CISSP Study Group+ offers the MOST affordable way possible to meet weekly with a CISSP instructor. Plus a course to help you optimize your resume with AI, accountability check-in calls, and interview practice. I’m aiming to create the best possible community, taking all your feedback into account. So the more members that join, the more we can tailor it to what you’d like it to be! And don’t worry, our current group will keep growing and nothing will change here – there will just be more curated content and personal access in the premium group. Some of our most active members are already there. Have a look
New comment 8d ago
CISSP Study Group+
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I haven't been terribly active here, because studying is ruining my life LOL I'm 15 days out and frantic!! I joined the new group because I want to look for a new job once I get my cert. I could definitely use help!!
Would anyone mind
dropping a link on reddit/CISSP to our community? So many of you are starting to pass! We need some new recruits. If you can please drop the link here so others can comment on it instead of reposting it.
New comment 13d ago
Would anyone mind
0 likes • 20d
@Chris Harmon Congratulations!
1-9 of 9
Just a simple GRC Analyst. Taking my CISSP exam on 26 June.

Active 4d ago
Joined May 18, 2024
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